Monday, February 21, 2011

Vegeta And Bulma Moments

Italy: with one eye looking to the Maghreb and the other looks uncertain things at home

As the fire spreads across the Maghreb with the popular uprising that brought down the regimes of Ben Ali and Mubarak, and is about to become the most Gaddafi's violent (much appreciated by the great ally of Saddam ours), Italy experienced a deadlock incomprehensible.

The country is still and does not seem to see, holding my breath waiting for that to happen must happen.

We, unlike the regimes of North Africa, is a legitimate government in a vote popular but deeply discredited for not having made the promise of compromise and corruption scandals involving several of its members; strongly colluded with the schemes mentioned above because of a disastrously short-sighted foreign policy.
parliament looks like a crazy crew that while the ship sinks, appears committed to putting away their stocks in the hold.
The chairman of the resistant power of believing, finally, successfully completing his twenty years of bloody battle with the judiciary, to gain full impunity for himself and his cronies.
and warns the President of the Republic invita alla moderazione, impegnato a evitare che gli facciano naufragare le celebrazioni dell'Unità, a lui tanto care ma sempre più anacronistiche alla luce della drammatica attualità. 
E molti Italiani osservano allibiti le cose di casa mentre seguono quello che accade a un tiro di schioppo da noi e solidarizzano, solo nel chiuso del loro ambiente domestico, con quelle popolazioni che si stanno liberando dei loro tiranni abbattendone i monumenti. 

Di fronte alla catastrofe incombente, un gruppo di intellettuali propone ai parlamentari delle opposizioni un nuovo Cln per liberare l'Italia dal berlusconismo.
Mentre Liberty and Justice invites Italian citizens to make their voices heard and demand that the government and parliament refuse to be enslaved to the power and utility of an individual defendant, the more of us are stunned and paralyzed to attend the momentous upheavals a world in profound change. Our destiny seems to remain as spectators to watch helplessly the irreversible movement of history go by without challenge us.

also read Ft: Italy Arab country Europe

Berlusconi: Gaddafi is a leader of great wisdom

Berlusconi bacia la mano di Gheddafi


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