Friday, February 25, 2011

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As on the Titanic ... The meaning of life

"The left has been conquered by my outlook on life today and welcomed me to the cry of bunga bunga ... They want to do it too. They want to dance"
(Silvio Berlusconi, yesterday during a press conference)

"fight to the death, the revolution has made Libya the leaders of the third world, I ask you to sing, dance and rejoice" (Gaddafi yesterday to his supporters)

Dividends and lifting
In the beautiful portrait of Qaddafi written by Robert Fisk, a portrait comprehensive outline of the figures - the Western leaders who were in the years to genuflect to him - apparently there is a paragraph of detail, one of those strokes of color that brighten the picture. Describes an episode of the news recently, Libya already in ruins. "A few days ago while she was confronted with the wrath of its people, Colonel Gaddafi met an old acquaintance. The interview lasted four hours. Twenty minutes dedicated to asking them if he knew a good plastic surgeon because he wanted to get a face lift. This is the man. Anything else to add? The youngster now aged looked tired, his face swollen and turned yellow, a comedian costretto a recitare una tragedia, un vecchio guitto che mentre il sipario sta per calare aspetta ancora la truccatrice”. Bisogna immaginare la scena, il Colonnello nella tenda che ordina di sterminare i “ratti drogati” che manifestano per strada - una guerra di tribù, ci spiega bene oggi Umberto De Giovannangeli - e intanto si tocca con la mano la guancia flaccida, domanda al suo illustre interlocutore se per caso conosca il più bravo, il migliore del mondo in grado di far risalire lo zigomo, dare un colpo di bisturi al contorno viso. Costi quel che costi, il mio regno per un lifting.
Un perfetto esempio dello spirito del tempo che, ad ogni latitudine, risulta subordinare l’etica del potere ad una perpetua flaccidity in the battle against the supremacy of aesthetics.
Originally it was the money, certainly. Engine and consequence of things. The Italian friend, now in slight embarrassment than annoying ally Libya (we chose the South because of the pipeline across the North unstable countries, "he said at the time. A Libyan investment in the stability not just far-sighted) has other reasons of satisfaction. In the worst of the crisis - the Vinyls cassintegrati of a symbol for all, from 12 months on the island barricaded - Silvio Berlusconi and his five children, raking in 165 million euro in dividends. 544 million only in cases of holding liquid of the householder. The crisis is not the same for all, with out loud. Companies in the head of the government flourished again as the economy collapses all around. Questions? No one questions to ask? Italians are mostly convinced that this is the result of the entrepreneurial skills of the family? Let's see. The financial returns are taxed at 12.5 percent. The first rate on employees is 23. The coupon dry rents to 21. Three yards and three sizes, so to speak. Wanting to do politics in the name of fairness here is a detail from which one could begin. If the public is advised of the details of things will need good information about it. So here is that after the news of Minzolini we Sgarbi and Giuliano Ferrara. Everything comes back, you pay. Concita De Gregorio on Unity

Berlusconi: "The left won by bunga bunga"

Annozero 2011 - INTERVIEW FOR A FULL


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