Friday, February 18, 2011

The Best Things To Write In A Wedding Card

Take my kid and go to the mountains

I receive and gladly publish this piece of Paola Mauri. The song reflects the mood of many people who live in the present socio-cultural climate in which they feel deeply alien.

Maybe I grew up on the moon, or on another planet, maybe my sister was Heidi, maybe I'm a creature invented by Lewis Carroll, Alice's in Wonderland.

Dico questo perché non ho più radici, me le sono perse. O meglio, tutt’intorno è uno scenario che non è più quello in cui sono nata e cresciuta. Sì, difficoltà tante. Una vita difficile, ma non me ne lamento. Si viveva, non molto tempo fa, con tanti problemi e senza molto per scapricciarsi. Poi pian piano, la situazione è cambiata. Leggo sui giornali, per non dire che vedo intorno a me, parecchie cose incomprensibili, non trascendentali, ma proprio difficilmente metabolizzabili. Alcuni commentatori o opinionisti, di fronte a recenti fatti di cronaca riportati dai quotidiani, si meravigliano del fatto che si può morire giovani; questo “tema” ovviamente è sconvolgente, ma, aggiungo, è always has been. The death of a young man is a tragedy, but the thing is as old as the cuckoo because death does not look at anybody, just go to a children's hospital. Another thing, is this desire to get, have, have at all costs. Yet this leaves me quite perplexed or at least leave a little 'with a bitter taste. We know that want one thing makes it even more desirable. It 'also true that what you want is very often only a wish. But today, the reasoning is different. You must come, must be achieved, we must have, get. Then we are in a completely not comment. And then, you should not suffer any pain and you have to absorb all costs. I remember a childminder who claimed the school help the child having to endure a little pain, rather than take immediate action to remove it with drugs. I understand that this thing could be unpopular but that still has its own because today is perhaps impossible to understand. The headache should disappear immediately.
And if one day get something that does not disappear immediately, as you do?

Still, the news or the news, we are seeing all this commercialization, and this screaming about who or what. Everything is However, flat and immobile. The screams are there, but they are a source of explanation. More and more it overlaps with the "mission accomplished". They have learned, the frequenters of the TV, to be followed on monitors and when framed, are expressions of fact. We were unable to take of consent. I am at this point, an alien with his daily burden. I do not understand more and I'm not going to put even more to understand. Obviously everything has always been present, because the matrix is \u200b\u200bthe same man, perhaps, today's ideas, comments, opinions, traveling in real time, do not give us the opportunity to catch his breath, to adjust to understand.

I also note if they are not convinced. But other speeches can not be done because otherwise we buckled on his driver's morality, puritanical of mutandaro, community, in short, the whole repertoire. Better to take note and think that everyone can have bargaining power in a democracy. The money, it is true, have no smell but it is also true that not everything you buy. What is happening these days, really the historical nemesis, anywhere you look, and by that I mean not only from one side ...
Take my kid and go to the mountains. Paola Mauri


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