Quest'anno l'8 marzo sarà un massacro. Donne inferocite contro il maschio, e segnatamente qualche maschio in particolare (ma poi si infama tutta la categoria, tanto ci sta sempre). Le piazze verranno messe a ferro e fuoco, conviene prepararsi per tempo, tirar fuori dall'armadio la mimetica, the bayonet, helmet and amount of sand bags at the door. Scissors and shears will fly all over Italy, with the cry: " we need to bowling balls and bowling! "
once, what I'd like to see instead is a manifestation of women , together with the systematic dismantling of the male reprehensible, given the critical lucidity, intellectual honesty and conscience to condemn the first of its behavior in women. The sketch that we have eyes for a few weeks is that of the old decrepit and shriveled flaccid who abuses his power and his money to take advantage of the woman (a typical picture a male offender), the decrepit old but watched the ballet of hot 20 year old topless, (s) infermierine and policewomen dressed, with the bill of nell'elastico minislip and the look of stone martens in search of big game (other than the eyes of the tiger!). Here, the young ladies as we qualify? Poor victims of male tyrant? Although adults are capable of discernment, zero desire to work even one day in life, and very determined to achieve the objective? These are the result of years of struggles and achievements aimed at gaining emancipation, equality, equal rights and free will, or the byproduct of the macho culture of television and subjugation?
If women have won the freedom of choice and equality with the male, then go to Arcore and wave it for the money, prepaid rent, running television and municipal departments, is a choice, and as such should not be questioned. Nor to be seen in Rants end user, however, for consistency. Or do you respect the moral, legitimate, so that the finger constantly pointing at the male monster is a little 'smile. As if the street prostitution can be traced back to a pattern of exploitation and poverty, what would happen in the province of Monza but is marked by free will, free choice, free women. On March 8, then che si fa? Si dice che Berlusconi, e per proprietà transitiva il maschio italiano, è squallido approfittatore di madonnine sante, temporaneamente in stato confusionale? E magari, dopo una giornata in piazza di sana e indignata protesta civile contro i genitali penduli, si va a festeggiare in un bel privè con stripper oliato e superdotato.
Comprendo più facilmente la manifestazione di qualche giorno fa, da inquadrarsi in un'ottica di lotta politica, dove il Presidente del Consiglio metteva in serio imbarazzo gli italiani con i suoi comportamenti, forse penalmente rilevanti forse no, ma in ogni caso discutibili se si è una carica pubblica e si rappresenta institutions. March 8 is less a morality in the name of anti-male, as recently a few women in this country, rather than in sight, gave a rather clear and transparent representation of their idea of \u200b\u200bsociety, then, moral righteousness, would agree to a first some 'cleaning house, becomes more beautiful shape. E 'costume increasingly common and consolidated, where you can offer it on a silver platter to entrepreneurs and grizzled actors, and thus to premier with the carpet on his head. We look forward to an enlightening view of Michela Murgia, Ritanna of Armenians and Lella Costa.
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