I can not get interested in the usual expressions of a prime minister out of his mind, like: power to educate their children freely and free means not to be compelled to send them to school in a state school where there are teachers who want to inculcate the principles that are the opposite of what the parents want to instill in their children's education within their family , nor the reactions more or less peak of the categories in each targeted (journalists, judges, communists , gay, teachers, critics, etc..) nor to deny or, more frequently, allegations of misrepresentation, type: As usual the words I spoke on the public schools have been twisted and overturned by a sinister looking, almost every day, on every possible issue, controversy baseless, spurious and instrumental .
Enough! Let him speak in freedom, sooner or later people will understand how his words are merely instrumental means to achieve that objective and, above all, as these are far from the action in more than 10 (say ten) years of government.
There are tools to get rid of:
1. serious opposition, and project proposals;
2. street demonstrations;
3. voting by citizens-voters informed and aware.
And, ultimately, what the young North Africans, they are giving a new face to the North African states, are showing us as possible.
Today I, like many teachers, parents, politicians, I want to comment on the last shot of our school was , the Communists on family, the values \u200b\u200bof Christian tradition, the essential value of life but I soon realized that it is useless.
His public and private life, his actions as a citizen, businessman and political discredit, dismantle, dismantle his bla bla bla.
Leggi Anche noi abbiamo un sogno!
Leggi Anche noi abbiamo un sogno!
Voglio, piuttosto, nella Giornata Mondiale della Lentezza riportare la riflessione di Simone Perotti Vivere con lentezza (da www.cadoinpiedi.it)
L'altro giorno i giornali titolavano scandalizzati: "Siamo tornati ai livelli del 1999!". Cioè siamo andati indietro invece che crescere. Io mi sono spaventato. Poi però ci ho ragionato su. Non sono riuscito a capire the alarm. Why, in '99 we were wrong? I do not remember everything I'm sick. I
is a question: where do we go? And why do we have to go in a hurry? What is the reason for the race to growth?
Tomorrow we celebrate the World Day of Slowness. I do not know that the celebration is. I see nothing to celebrate. It is a reminder, perhaps, remind one, as some events that we have made in long-term agenda: "Remember to pay the stamp expiring. That is, remember not to run forever. Mah!
I left work, career, business card, social role, cities, apartment dude in the center, and I did to write, to have time. Writing a novel takes time to think, to study, to settle emotions and intuitions, to cancel, to go back to running back, to stop. That is, induction time, not always the same, arrhythmic, that so syncopated beats, or beats, then stop and resume again.
There are days when I get lost in the silence that follows a thought from where it takes me, or I talk with a person met by chance, then I think about it. The days have stopped flying away. Have ceased to be long, and have become life.
Yet this change did not die, did not become unhappy, I did not even drive marginalized. On the contrary. The leisure time has brought air in the sails. I was a man with no wind. Today took my boat its a step, as slow as any sailing boat, but that leads to my route, without unnecessary consumption of energy, without engine, without polluting (as far as I can), without losing health and time with people who have willingly left the dock . They looked at the clock too, for my taste.
Another life, not just a slower tempo. Time is not driving things, the following. That's what we do that counts, not the running time. Only in these few lines, there seems to be a revolution, a subversive message so as to wrinkle their noses at social scientists and politicians. They are all so taken by the fight for the job, the political battle, to forget that what they are fighting is a world wrong, and even if he wins, l'errore sarebbe il loro premio. Io al mondo per cui tutti sembrano combattere rinuncio volentieri. Meglio a rischio nel bosco, che al sicuro in gabbia. Non ho mai amato i canarini. Troppo poco coraggiosi. (Simone Perott)
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