Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Under Armour Army Brown Shirt


Received and Published:

TIME FREE. THE PRESIDENT February 24 PODESTA 'Alderman Stancari presents the book "150 YEARS OF THE PROVINCE OF MILAN IN COMICS"

Thursday, February 24 at 11.00 in room Frescoes in Palazzo Isimbardi , via a Nursery The President of the Province of Milan Hon Alderman Guido Podesta the Youth and Leisure Cristina Stancari present the book " 150 years of the Province of Milan comic." The press conference will act

Calzolari Joseph, director of the School of Comics in Milan.

will also present the students of the School of Comics who designed the book and the screenwriter.

The development of the book, in black and white, is based on a continuous "call and response" between past and present. The main character is Anna, a girl of 18 years. He lives in Milan where he goes to school, have friends and family and interacts con la città e le persone che la abitano. Piccoli eventi di tutti i giorni serviranno da innesco per raccontare la storia di Milano e della Provincia e di come queste due “realtà” si siano sviluppate insieme dal 1860 ad oggi.

distinti saluti

Claudio Filippo Zen
Assessorato Sport e Tempo libero, Politiche giovanili, Pari opportunità Provincia di Milano


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