Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dark Brown/ Light Blue Moccasins

Tit polymers aliens and War of Independence

A read the transcript of text messages to Sara Tommasi and we do a culture. Disperses nicely all domestic policy, foreign policy, football and entertainment. Judging from the assumptions made so far - more arrembanti journalists that the judiciary - the Tommasi would have given to everyone, but all all, flamingos, Moroccan dignitaries and tourists included. Judging from the assumptions made by Admiral, the assumptions made by journalists are plausible. From Berlsuconi, of course, ministers, guests of Arcore (without distinction, who was there, she served as a ready cash delivery) to sheikhs in the Middle East, by entrepreneurs with the yacht to the players, nobody would be left to dry mouth. Una vera missione quella della Tommasi.
Non limitandosi alla sua generosità inguinale, la soubrette si è ripetutamente lanciata anche in affermazioni davvero mirabili e degne di nota, come l'essere vittima di macumbe, delle SS naziste, dei servizi segreti, di passanti che per strada la drogano iniettandole sostante in vena, persino di estraterrestri. Tutto vero, non mi sto inventando nulla, esistono le trascrizioni agli atti. Tutto scritto e inviato dal suo telefonino, che lei però si affretta a precisare aver perduto molte volte negli ultimi mesi, e pertanto forse rinvenuto da malintenzionati che hanno spedito sms deliranti al mondo per diffamare la laureata bocconiana (voglio conoscere il relatore della Tesi e tutta la commissione!).
Now, according to a medical team met in the bunker of the Admiralty, with all the comfort and the most modern and avant-garde newfangled health, technologically speaking, the origin of the psychotic disorders Tommasi is undoubtedly attributable to breast implants implanted in his time. Apparently they were untrustworthy and dangerous virus inoculated, certainly alien origin (widely known in the area and ranked 51), cleverly concealed within that hold mappazze silicone tits. In short, these liquids intelligent and self-conscious have begun their journey through the body of Tommasi, and took possession of all the synapses and neurons influencing the woman making a puppet in the hands of Visitors. They, too, as you know, want to discredit Berlusconi, and here have used the roof to create the unsuspecting Earth cas on Earth and to prepare the coming of a bloody conquest. And the problem is that the majority of odalisques Arcore have boobs, so the potential risk to the prime minister is very high. As in a Romero film, could do with a switch that simultaneously possessed all these creatures turn against their end-user and give final completion to the conspiracy against our Prime Minister.
It would take the antidote, and science is already working crazy and desperate, flying thermos of coffee wagon here the Admiralty to produce the serum that will save us from defeat. Then comes the turn of the Men In Black, because they go out there and saving the liquid inoculino to all major redone. A fierce struggle, a battle royale on the top nipple, because the human race can save itself. It is then that the survivors tried by suffering and suspicious of each third, fourth and fifth measure, to elect the supreme leader worldwide for the reconstruction, Gwyneth Paltrow, and we'll have to organize an underground resistance to prevent the tragedy that follows the destruction. The mountains to fight on our side CRIME whose militias are the terror of all the fans of Kate Moss.
You expect bad times for humanity.


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