Monday, February 28, 2011

Black Stool After Drinking Wine


For over 17 years, with a fury never seen before, stick his head down everything that does not seem perfectly in line with its desired .
But his public and private life, his actions as a citizen, businessman and political discredit, dismantle, dismantle the base all its bla bla bla .

Here is a list, rounded down, of people and institutions that have had the honor of his reckless attack:

1. President of the Republic (lately because too punctilious )

2. Speaker of the House ( traitor )

3. Constitutional Court ( den of Communists )

4. the judiciary (judges red);

5. il parlamento ( pletorico , rallenta l'attività del governo);

6. la stampa ( quella di sinistra , l'altra la controlla lui direttamente);

7. i programmi TV ( quelli comunisti , gli altri sono tutti nelle sue mani);

8. la scuola pubblica e i suoi insegnanti ( non educano liberamente e inculcano principi contrari ai suoi);

9. i comunisti (la sua ossessione);

10. tutti quelli che not rate it ( balls, why not make its interest);

11. the Constitution (because -Soviet).


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The Black Hole

This movie I saw in the hall to 6 years in a parish where cinemino came a year after its release and beyond United States. I've reviewed recently, 30 years later ... and it was pretty amazing. I never revised, even in small pieces (also because I have no memory of television appearances). By chance I imbatutto the DVD and I bought it right away, eager to regain those feelings of the child. I did not remember almost anything except very short flashback, little more than a single subliminal images. But I had the feelings still alive, a surprise, even a bit 'of concern, majestic stuff, great special effects. Again today, everything has been reduced, in context, standardized, and yet go over the movie in glove, with an eye on the child I was, and the other adult which is (are?), was equally exciting.

The film is a curious film to be a Disney product, along with Tron, was the attempt to answer the Stellar Wars (I am told that in the new Legacy Tron, in Flynn's room makes a fine show himself the poster The Black Hole), aiming to stories from more adult content than the standard target of Disney, and in fact I remember that I did not catch much of the film, although I liked the same. We are the ambitions and aspirations in the script and also in the mise en scène. The source is literary, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (although it seems Shakespeare), and were taken from the movie and comic novels. Among the players are Anthony Perkins, Ernest Borgnine, not just actors from the cartoon. In short, the story sees a spaceship, the Palomino, venturing into an area of \u200b\u200bthe cosmos that contains a black hole, here comes across another ship, the Cygnus, whose tracks were lost decades ago. Explore, you discover that it is still inhabited, populated by a scientist (mad) and his army of robots, which he has built to serve. The scientist is planning to cross the black hole to reach another dimension, which he considers to be a kind of paradise, the underworld, the land of eternal consciousness, in a word: immortality. The crew Palomino, at first perplexed by the daring mission, will also try to flee, escaping to the professor, even after a series of discoveries revealing that cast a sinister shadow on the work of crazy genius. Not everything I tell you everything, otherwise you spoil the party, but I tell you, however, that the final there are also clear references to 2001 A Space Odyssey, with the same philosophy will describe the port to another dimension rather mystical spiritual.

Like all sci-fi film, or nearly so, there are inconsistencies science - read rubbish - significant, but enough to appeal to the poetic license and everything passes. Meteors always hot (in reality heat up only when they enter the atmosphere of a planet), astronauts gleefully around the space suit or without oxygen, the field of gravitational attraction of a black hole that sucks in everything except the heroes of history, clinging with one hand and simple hey presto, you're done. Stuff so short. It must be said that the special effects, while decent, do not hold the year 2011, but in 1979 they defended very well, and for a child of six years, used to Pippo Pluto and Donald Duck, were the apotheosis of technology . The Black Hole could even scare a child, there are many strong moments, like some kind of robot (Maximillian), the atmosphere dark and claustrophobic, the sense of threat, the humanoids of the mad professor (almost zombie-in at some point we discover the real kind) and the ending definitely out of the reach of a child. There are many times much more on track for a Disney film, especially entr'actes between robots. I'm not saying it is a masterpiece, but it's worth it, has its limits (currently, 30 years later), but it's an interesting piece of film history, Disney and fiction, as well as a pleasant diversion from the usual well-known titles such as Stellar Wars, Star Trek , and so on. I'd be curious to know if any of you people saw it ....

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Lovers, "without losing your health and time with people who have willingly left the dock" Our

I can not get interested in the usual expressions of a prime minister out of his mind, like: power to educate their children freely and free means not to be compelled to send them to school in a state school where there are teachers who want to inculcate the principles that are the opposite of what the parents want to instill in their children's education within their family , nor the reactions more or less peak of the categories in each targeted (journalists, judges, communists , gay, teachers, critics, etc..) nor to deny or, more frequently, allegations of misrepresentation, type: As usual the words I spoke on the public schools have been twisted and overturned by a sinister looking, almost every day, on every possible issue, controversy baseless, spurious and instrumental .

Enough! Let him speak in freedom, sooner or later people will understand how his words are merely instrumental means to achieve that objective and, above all, as these are far from the action in more than 10 (say ten) years of government.
There are tools to get rid of:
1. serious opposition, and project proposals;
2. street demonstrations;
3. voting by citizens-voters informed and aware.
And, ultimately, what the young North Africans, they are giving a new face to the North African states, are showing us as possible.

Today I, like many teachers, parents, politicians, I want to comment on the last shot of our school was , the Communists on family, the values \u200b\u200bof Christian tradition, the essential value of life but I soon realized that it is useless.
His public and private life, his actions as a citizen, businessman and political discredit, dismantle, dismantle his bla bla bla.
Leggi Anche noi abbiamo un sogno!

Voglio, piuttosto, nella Giornata Mondiale della Lentezza riportare la riflessione di Simone Perotti Vivere con lentezza   (da
L'altro giorno i giornali titolavano scandalizzati: "Siamo tornati ai livelli del 1999!". Cioè siamo andati indietro invece che crescere. Io mi sono spaventato. Poi però ci ho ragionato su. Non sono riuscito a capire the alarm. Why, in '99 we were wrong? I do not remember everything I'm sick. I
is a question: where do we go? And why do we have to go in a hurry? What is the reason for the race to growth?
Tomorrow we celebrate the World Day of Slowness. I do not know that the celebration is. I see nothing to celebrate. It is a reminder, perhaps, remind one, as some events that we have made in long-term agenda: "Remember to pay the stamp expiring. That is, remember not to run forever. Mah!
I left work, career, business card, social role, cities, apartment dude in the center, and I did to write, to have time. Writing a novel takes time to think, to study, to settle emotions and intuitions, to cancel, to go back to running back, to stop. That is, induction time, not always the same, arrhythmic, that so syncopated beats, or beats, then stop and resume again.
There are days when I get lost in the silence that follows a thought from where it takes me, or I talk with a person met by chance, then I think about it. The days have stopped flying away. Have ceased to be long, and have become life.
Yet this change did not die, did not become unhappy, I did not even drive marginalized. On the contrary. The leisure time has brought air in the sails. I was a man with no wind. Today took my boat its a step, as slow as any sailing boat, but that leads to my route, without unnecessary consumption of energy, without engine, without polluting (as far as I can), without losing health and time with people who have willingly left the dock . They looked at the clock too, for my taste.
Another life, not just a slower tempo. Time is not driving things, the following. That's what we do that counts, not the running time. Only in these few lines, there seems to be a revolution, a subversive message so as to wrinkle their noses at social scientists and politicians. They are all so taken by the fight for the job, the political battle, to forget that what they are fighting is a world wrong, and even if he wins, l'errore sarebbe il loro premio. Io al mondo per cui tutti sembrano combattere rinuncio volentieri. Meglio a rischio nel bosco, che al sicuro in gabbia. Non ho mai amato i canarini. Troppo poco coraggiosi. (Simone Perott)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dull Pain In My Thigh


                                                 Giuliano Ferrara was everything and the opposite of everything and has a past , a present and a future complementary and interchangeable. The only thing that changes is the loyalty to a boss as long as it suits them.

No, dear Mazzetti. We will not see the shame. We who have loved Enzo Biagi and its Done and have long since abandoned the TG Minzolini weblog, we will not see the smut that comes Ammann.
Anche se siamo cittadini paganti regolarmente il canone. 
A furia di insulti, Ferrara si è preso il posto di Biagi - di Loris Mazzetti
Accostare Giuliano Ferrara a Enzo Biagi è un’eresia. Il Fatto nacque (presidente Rai Letizia Moratti), per un’esigenza di palinsesto: creare un break pubblicitario in più nella fascia di maggior ascolto, quella dopo il Tg1. Fu realizzato uno studio con tanto di sondaggio da cui risultò che il giornalista, che per credibilità professionale e per statura morale, in grado di andare on the air for a few minutes between advertising space, without losing a listening to Rai, was Enzo Biagi (as it turned Piero Angela, do not remember reading the name of Ferrara was already in the breach).
The fact that Enzo Biagi (the real title of the program) ran for eight issues with an average audience share of 24% with over 6 million viewers per episode, even with peaks of 11 million. The Fact was honored in 2004 as the best program of the first fifty years Rai. The transmission deepened the day's events from a point of view, that Biagi, giving the word to all the players, without exception. Al Beyond the edict Bulgarian (Benigni's bet during the 2001 election campaign was an excuse to B. bothered independence of Biagi and the straw that broke the camel's back was an interview with a few months Indro Montanelli first).
The fact is always quoted as an example of public service television. B. The same intervened several times.
Ferrara, I hope it will not be offended if I call the real partisan, he himself has said: "A master of partisanship," Rai comes in only for "political reasons" and not professional.
I believe that no one has noticed his absence, now triennale, dal video. Lilli Gruber lo ha sostituito più che degnamente a 8 1/2, triplicandone gli ascolti. Il direttore, ex comunista, ex socialista, ex parlamentare europeo, ex ministro, torna in Rai solo perché B. è un bulimico: non si accontenta di avere a disposizione tutto lo spazio mediatico, vuole di più: si è reso conto che i suoi “addetti” (i Sallusti, i Belpietro, le Santanchè, le Bernini, ecc.), non bucano il video, anzi alla lunga la loro arrogante antipatia diventa controproducente alla causa. Ferrara, invece, è capace di stare davanti ad una telecamera, anche se il guizzo di Radio Londra è lontano e lo stesso giornale da lui fondato, Il Foglio, non fa più opinione ed è in profonda crisi. Non si può fare il giornalista e il politico allo stesso tempo.
Della sua discesa in politica alle elezioni del 2008, con la lista Aborto?
No grazie, ci si ricorda per il suo spiritoso commento al risultato: “Più che una sconfitta, una catastrofe: io ho lanciato un grido di dolore per un dramma e gli elettori mi hanno risposto con un pernacchio”. Ferrara per anni ha scritto male di Biagi, spacciandosi come il Robin Hood di B. Con il distacco che il tempo inevitabilmente porta, penso che quel suo modo di fare più che dettato dall’essere un dipendente di B. era la conseguenza di una profonda umiliazione che Biagi e il suo amico Montanelli gli avevano given. When Ferrara went on to direct Panorama, Biagi and Montanelli resigned from the weekly.
remember his phone calls to convince you to stay Biagi. The last time the two spoke, Biagi said that his presence was a hindrance to his work.
Both Biagi Montanelli had understood the true intention of Ferrara, to transform the historic newspaper, which was directed by two large: Lamberto Sechi and Claudio Rinaldi, house organ of Force in Italy.
What happened regularly. The lowest point in Ferrara during the year after he touched the direction of Ross. He dedicated his book, the Arcitaliano, the two great journalists, covering them with insults. The real start of the machine of the mud. Eighty Panorama colleagues sent a letter in defense of Biagi and Montanelli, to the Director to dissociate themselves from that item.
If, despite the many clones that replace Done (Baptist, Giannino, Berti, Mimun, conductors), which lasted the duration of a breath, you continue to talk only of transmitting Biagi, there will be a reason.
Also on Panorama in 2001 Ferrara wrote: "I wondered if I'd ever done against a D'Alema Enzo Biagi what he did on TV against Berlusconi. In that case, I would go into the dressing room, and I would spit in his face. " I look forward to seeing him in onda il 14 marzo dopo il tg. (da Il Fatto Quotidiano )
No, caro Mazzetti. Noi non assisteremo alla vergogna. Noi che abbiamo amato Enzo Biagi e il suo Fatto e abbiamo abbandonato da un pezzo il TG targato Minzolini, non assisteremo alla sconcezza che ci viene ammannita. 
Anche se siamo cittadini paganti regolarmente il canone. 
Firma anche tu la petizione No a Ferrara in prima serata su RAI 1

Friday, February 25, 2011

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As on the Titanic ... The meaning of life

"The left has been conquered by my outlook on life today and welcomed me to the cry of bunga bunga ... They want to do it too. They want to dance"
(Silvio Berlusconi, yesterday during a press conference)

"fight to the death, the revolution has made Libya the leaders of the third world, I ask you to sing, dance and rejoice" (Gaddafi yesterday to his supporters)

Dividends and lifting
In the beautiful portrait of Qaddafi written by Robert Fisk, a portrait comprehensive outline of the figures - the Western leaders who were in the years to genuflect to him - apparently there is a paragraph of detail, one of those strokes of color that brighten the picture. Describes an episode of the news recently, Libya already in ruins. "A few days ago while she was confronted with the wrath of its people, Colonel Gaddafi met an old acquaintance. The interview lasted four hours. Twenty minutes dedicated to asking them if he knew a good plastic surgeon because he wanted to get a face lift. This is the man. Anything else to add? The youngster now aged looked tired, his face swollen and turned yellow, a comedian costretto a recitare una tragedia, un vecchio guitto che mentre il sipario sta per calare aspetta ancora la truccatrice”. Bisogna immaginare la scena, il Colonnello nella tenda che ordina di sterminare i “ratti drogati” che manifestano per strada - una guerra di tribù, ci spiega bene oggi Umberto De Giovannangeli - e intanto si tocca con la mano la guancia flaccida, domanda al suo illustre interlocutore se per caso conosca il più bravo, il migliore del mondo in grado di far risalire lo zigomo, dare un colpo di bisturi al contorno viso. Costi quel che costi, il mio regno per un lifting.
Un perfetto esempio dello spirito del tempo che, ad ogni latitudine, risulta subordinare l’etica del potere ad una perpetua flaccidity in the battle against the supremacy of aesthetics.
Originally it was the money, certainly. Engine and consequence of things. The Italian friend, now in slight embarrassment than annoying ally Libya (we chose the South because of the pipeline across the North unstable countries, "he said at the time. A Libyan investment in the stability not just far-sighted) has other reasons of satisfaction. In the worst of the crisis - the Vinyls cassintegrati of a symbol for all, from 12 months on the island barricaded - Silvio Berlusconi and his five children, raking in 165 million euro in dividends. 544 million only in cases of holding liquid of the householder. The crisis is not the same for all, with out loud. Companies in the head of the government flourished again as the economy collapses all around. Questions? No one questions to ask? Italians are mostly convinced that this is the result of the entrepreneurial skills of the family? Let's see. The financial returns are taxed at 12.5 percent. The first rate on employees is 23. The coupon dry rents to 21. Three yards and three sizes, so to speak. Wanting to do politics in the name of fairness here is a detail from which one could begin. If the public is advised of the details of things will need good information about it. So here is that after the news of Minzolini we Sgarbi and Giuliano Ferrara. Everything comes back, you pay. Concita De Gregorio on Unity

Berlusconi: "The left won by bunga bunga"

Annozero 2011 - INTERVIEW FOR A FULL

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As a whole people fight and die to oust a murderous tyrant that impossessatosi power 42 years ago with a coup , sembra ormai destinato a cadere sotto l'urto deciso della rivolta popolare, introducendo un brano di Paola Mauri, voglio citare le parole di un grande intellettuale ceco, Václav Havel , sostenitore della Primavera di Praga e promotore del manifesto Charta 77 - (...) la salvezza di questo mondo non risiede altrove se non nel cuore dell'uomo, nel suo potere di riflettere, nella sua gentilezza e nella sua responsabilità.

Che cos’è la vita? di Paola Mauri
Un venire al mondo. Uno starci nel mondo. Ma il come ci si is is what is important and decisive. Not to talk about it, but to live in the moment, the moments, the years. And perhaps, the mystery of our times, of so much discontent, of a deep malaise that surrounds many, is not fully understood, the "how to" be there in this world.
With the struggles of social claim, much has been achieved el'asticella the measurement of welfare has been more benevolent to all. So many illusions and bargains, especially for those who deal with brick. Then, with time diluted over the years, this well-being of the economic boom has reduced even though for some, everything remained the same and more or not assigned to an unlimited credit due to the glories of the past "distinguished", living annuity.
What remains today is the promise that tasted as if they were spices, for consumption on the basis of an ancient tradition, and that are difficult or can reproduce. There are no messages, many, many diktats and happiness, but the foundation is a starting point that never starts and a "see", "you", turned into taking, and get. Perhaps the way is not appropriate.
Once the shirt had the plate inside, now the same plate is outside, in plain sight. What once was not performed, now is the constant message of the logo that says "class". All in plain sight. Appearance.
And if the view is instead "so, so, what?
There is a recipe and the syrup has expired.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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I will not have learned the art of politics politician but that would be the height ...

... after the welcome-farce in Italy 's friend Gaddafi - the kiss - the honors disproportionate - in the words freedom, the decay product from the grim tyrant of Tripoli would allow Berlusconi to raise the ridge and gain the support of opposition nella gestione della crisi umanitaria che si prevede inquietante.
Non avrò imparato l'arte della politica (e forse è un bene) ma un'opposizione che per anni è stata sbeffeggiata da un premier incurante dei reali problemi del Paese - dedito quasi esclusivamente a risolvere i propri di problemi e tuttora in questo impegnato più che mai - non può e non deve fargli da sponda in nome di superiori interessi dell'Italia. 
Quando un capo di governo si accinge a ridimensionare il potere della Corte costituzionale, continua in tutti i programmi radio e TV a lanciare maledizioni against judges, urging the government to gag against the free press that does his job and uses one in their possession to denigrate those who are not his game, undertakes to introduce censorship and laws that restrict the interception, an essential tool to judiciary to prosecute crime, when a character of this kind of opposition calls for cooperation to address new problems looming, the answer should be clear: NO, NEVER.

fact, noted that the government majority is unredeemable, all members of the opposition should leave, with unanimous agreement, which occupy the benches in the parliament and the commission and provide, if anything, a shadow government which is activated to bring the country to elections with urgency.

Pending those, to us citizens concerned about the future of our country is not nothing but make our voices heard by participating in droves to all the events that invoke the protection of the Constitution and the institutions and respect for human rights.


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Terni, Feb. 26 inauguration shows Marjane Satrapi

Received and Published:

The veil of Maya or the irony of Iran

Marjane Satrapi on display at the Palazzo di Primavera, Terni

On the occasion of International Women's Day 2011, will be exhibited boards of Iranian

Terni, Palazzo di Primavera

from February 26 March 27, 2011 at

Opening February 26 at 18:00

Promoted on the occasion of International Women's 2011, Marjane Satrapi - The veil of Maya or the irony of Iran is an anthology that collects the plates taken from Persepolis , il romanzo a fumetti autobiografico che ha reso celebre l’autrice iraniana Marjane Satrapi in tutto il mondo.

Un ’esposizione utile a farci conoscere il punto di vista di una donna in un'epoca dove nulla è scontato, dove tutto si somiglia e si differenzia, e a farci riflettere sulle grandi potenzialità comunicative del fumetto, capace di aiutarci a comprendere con facilità differenti mondi, modi e stili.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a screening of a documentary specially made by the group , inspired by the work of the author, and the artistic works of students of the three years address "Photograph film and television" in the Art School O. Metelli of Terni, which reinterprets some of the designs of the suggestive details Satrapi.

Housed in the space of the Palace of Spring of Terni, Marjane Satrapi - The veil of Maya or irony Iran will be inaugurated on February 26 at 18.00 and open until March 27.

The exhibition is curated and produced by the association and the Mirada project are reviewed and edited by Clare Ronchini.

is organized by Civita Indisciplinarte and with the support of the Municipality of Terni, Lady, Regional Centre for Equal Opportunities and with the collaboration of Fumetteria Antani.

Events side

The March 12, at 17.30, at the auditorium of the Palace of the Spring meeting will be held " The other half of the clouds. The Italian comic female . "There will be the author Susanna Raul, the designer Emanuel Lupacchio. Moderator Alessandro Di Virgilio, with contributions from Antani Comics-The Library Comic Strip in Terni.

Tuesday March 1, Chaos - Factory Arts Center will host Siri screenings of the film Persepolis . From Tuesday to Sunday, at 16; 1 euro entry.

Marjane Satrapi

Marjane Satrapi was born November 22, 1969 in Rasht, on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

descendant of a noble family, had a communist grandfather and mother from whom she inherited the feminist political consciousness. She spent her childhood in Tehran, where he met the revolution and the war against Iraq. During Marjane war had to leave Iran, grieved the climate established by the new regime: he has just 14 when he was sent to Vienna in a French high school. Back at home, fine arts, but his project on heroes and heroines of mythology, especially on the Iranian regime is not convincing and he must leave his country again. After studying art in Strasbourg, he moved to Paris, where he still lives. Since 1977, he writes and illustrates books for children.

In 2000 he published his first volume, Persepolis , where Bins despite the history of his country and how, little girl of nine years, has experienced the revolution of the eighties. È stata insignita del premio per il miglior albo al Festival International de la Bande Dessinée d'Angoulême del 2004 per il suo Broderies (in Italia Taglia e cuc i), pubblicato l'anno precedente e per il più recente Pollo alle prugne . Nel 2007, Persepolis è diventato un lungometraggio d'animazione, diretto dalla stessa Satrapi.

Dove e quando

Marjane Satrapi - The veil of Maya or the irony of Iran

from February 26 to March 27.

(Opening February 26 at 18)

Terni, Palazzo di Primavera

Via Giordano Bruno, 3

Tel 0744 / 402199

Tuesday to Sunday: 10.00/13.00 - 16.00/19.00

Free admission

projection film Persepolis

From March 1 to 27

Hall Clock Chaos - Factory Arts Center Siri

Via Campofregoso, 98

Tel 0744 / 285946

Tuesday to Sunday: 16

Input € 1

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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The social mask, Paola Mauri

There are almost more outraged, but one wonders with caution, yes, with good manners, as we were at the table, careful to use cutlery.
The social mask is necessary, just, just, somehow, animate to show a slight sign of disappointment. Then, nothing.
Wonder last moment just to say that there is still a sense of civic duty.
The "nonsense" now is not this immense loneliness that comes, ultimately, being with others.
But perhaps the man is more unhappy than ever in this garden where seemingly everything is allowed, provided with free illusory, and where there is a limit, an inhibition, a stop, something that suggests to stop in time.
It is uninhibited like a second skin.
so lavish and complacent with themselves, and so far, or perhaps proudly different from the others.
In this highway of eternal promise of happiness announced in which they are perfect even more perfect, the tumbling of the most "tenerelli" are on the agenda because the carefree good life, above all speeds is ultimately only a momentary thrill that sometimes makes us rediscover our true face and our humanity.
short a basket of toys has been overturned and there is so much confusion around ... The dreams, such as signed shirts with the logo in sight, today they are requirements imposed bestowed free for everyone in the availability of what everyone and, as an equation, you must have.

Ruby or Karima, will go to Vienna to accompany a rich man at the debutantes' ball ...

different story, that di Angelica Sedara che balla con Don Fabrizio Principe di Salina, il famoso valzer, immortalato da Visconti …

Altro stile, ben altri fermenti storici.

Ma la tristezza di Fabrizio Principe di Salina, protagonista de “Il Gattopardo”, di Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa, è un po’ quella di chi oggi assiste impotente al susseguirsi degli avvenimenti, e cede il passo a Don Calogero Sedara.

Tutto cambia perché tutto deve rimanere uguale. (Paola Mauri)
Leggi Il Gattopardo in Google

Il Gattopardo in Vikipedia

Io sono convinto che la storia non si ripeta mai, che tutto ciò che succede e viviamo sia il prodotto e il risultato di quanto prima è accaduto. Non credo neanche che il destino, una sorta di fato, ci cristallizzi in una situazione immodificabile. Riconosco, tuttavia, che non tutto ciò che viene dopo debba essere migliore del precedente. Si possono vivere momenti di grande involuzione, tutti, però, funzionali a portare nel tempo l'asticella della storia dell'uomo nella società, sempre più avanti. Quanto di buono acquisito nell'esperienza e nella memoria del passato non può venire cancellato with a sponge. The values, principles, awareness of good and evil can not be eliminated, in individuals nenache most abhorrent. This is what makes us men, and gives us hope and work towards a better world! (Victor)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Gaddafi second Berlusconi Frattini ... Ruby

What is the meaning of that kiss? I could still understand a classic kiss on the cheek between friends, but as a shameless act of devotion by an Italian prime minister leaves for Gaddafi really baffled. Among other things, the Libyan dictator seems in the end wipe his hand on his tunic, as nauseated. (Watch Video)
  • I have met several times and tie the leader Gaddafi to him from a true and deep and profound friendship. The leader I know a great wisdom and acknowledge that everything he told me he came in international crises that occurred in the last fifteen years have always been exactly the positions they photographed reality and that provided with the same accuracy that the development would then determined "(Berlusconi, June 11, 2009).
  • Gaddafi is a very intelligent person, otherwise it would not be in power for 40 years (Berlusconi, June 12, 2009).
  • Critics of Gaddafi is a prisoner of the past. We look to the future (Berlusconi, 30 August 2010).
  • We still have to finish dinner, we're still here together to celebrate this great festival of friendship, if you make too good singing you a song ' (Berlusconi, 31 August 2011, during the dinner offered to the Colonel) .
  • That evening I told Berlusconi that the bunga bunga consisted of a harem that he had copied from his friend Gaddafi in which the girls get naked and have him try bodily pleasures (Ruby, August 3, 2010).
  • I have not heard Gaddafi. The situation is evolving and so I did not dare to disturb anyone (Berlusconi, 19 February 2011).
  • Gaddafi has made a call to reform the provincial People's Congress: merger (Franco Frattini, January 17, 2010).
  • We must not give the wrong impression of wanting to interfere would not be respectful of the sovereignty and independence of peoples (Frattini, February 21, 2011).

Berlusconi: Gaddafi is a leader of great wisdom

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PRESS Q to Mantova Comics February 25 to 27

Received and Published:


Press Q - Q Press in Mantua
February 25 to 27 - is secondary railway reservation in Dante's Diamond
- Display of two hearts and a hut in Turin

Editions Press Q to Mantova

in Mantova Comics

25 From Friday to Sunday, February 27 we are with our stand at Mantova Comics from 10 to 19 to Palabam.
Meet Giuseppe Peruzzo ( Atrox , Anser , etc) and Dante Diamond, author of Rail Secondary and Two hearts and a hut , the pamphlet comic by a true story happened in Turin.
News: A bunch of bombs of Manara, Gomboli & Castelli, Fountain Square and the strategy of tension, and the new report by Davodeau , A man died .

Q Press - Necklace PAM phlet

A man died

Étienne Davodeau & Kris

Prix France Info - Prize BD 'cuménique

1950: Reconstruction of Brest, destroyed by war, proceed from strong contrasts. A general strike is blocked by force of arms: the death of a young worker, Édouard Maze. The filmmaker René Vautier returned illegally from Ireland to film the city in mourning. The only copy of the short film, with the only comment from a poem by Eluard, is projected in the most difficult and adventurous, a cab mounted on a pickup truck, becoming itself a part of that fact ...
A film remained only in memory of those who saw and lived, and lives in the reconstruction of his birth and life, in an intense and emotional reportage.
The testimony of a forgotten tragedy, than that generated a great human adventure.
L ¹ irrepressible need to communicate, beyond any censorship and artistic vanity in new report Étienne Davodeau, the author ¹ COUNTRY! , de THE BAD PEOPLE and THOSE THAT I LOVE YOU , very current black comedy about the world of football. A man died
was awarded the BD 'cuménique France Info and the Prize for comics d ¹ news and feature articles.

Étienne Davodeau (Anjou, 1965) has published over twenty books, developing your own style and telling observation of reality either with both fiction and reportage. It belongs to those authors who, book after book, arrivano a spingere più in là i limiti della Nona Arte, con la cura costante di restare accessibile al pubblico più ampio.
Davodeau è pubblicato in Italia esclusivamente dalle edizioni Q Press: gli altri suoi libri in catalogo sono Quelli che ti vogliono bene e i premiatissimi reportage Rurale! e La brutta gente .
Ha inoltre sceneggiato la trasposizione a fumetti dell'unico romanzo scritto da George Brassens.
Kris (Brest, 1972) è autore di diverse sceneggiature, fra le quali Toussaint 66, Le déserteur, Le monde de Lucie, Les ensembles contraires, Notre Mére la guerre , Also variously related to the real.

Pamphlet Series No. 6

A man died
Kris & Etienne Davodeau
64 pages in glossy matte opaque plastic cover

17x24 cm Paperback, bound with cotton thread

€ 11.90 ISBN 978-88 -95374-13-0

Q Press - Necklace PAM phlet

A bunch of bombs

Alfredo Castelli, Mario & Gomboli Milo Manara


1969. The Piazza Fontana bombing in Italy kicks off a palpable climate of fear and uncertainty. The attacks are increasing, the search of those responsible-yet-unpunished after forty moves especially in the direction of the "anarchist track." Only in 1975 began to spread with great difficulty that the hypothesis has been put in place the so-called "strategy of tension", a cynical and tested mechanism, spreading terror, ensures the maintenance of the status quo.
Told "in direct contact" with great effectiveness by the three authors are able to captivate and engage readers and widespread 600,000 copies in , A beam of bombs keeps alive its relevance, noting that fear is a weapon always ready to be used by any form of power.
work that marks a milestone in the use of comics as an information tool, and thanks to Q Press editions available again 35 years after its release (and than 32 years by only reprinting , amateur short run, yet register as a needle), for the first time in book form.

On page can find some drawings, sketches and reviews.

The three authors A bunch of bombs, then unless their thirties, are now recognized as true masters of the comic. Alfredo Castelli created The Aristocrats and Martin Mystère, the Detective of the present shrine in 1982. Mario Gomboli alternate activity said the author of books for children in the publishing director of Diabolik, continuing the work of the Giussani sisters. Milo Manara is one of the best known Italian authors and beds in the world with her portrayal of the female figure marked the collective imagination, as with all of his work marked the contemporary comics.

Pamphlet Series No. 5
Alfredo Castelli, Mario & Milo Manara Gomboli

A bunch of bombs
48 pages in coated paper 150 g/m2 300 g/m2
cover, matt lamination

17x24 cm Paperback, bound to cotton thread

€ 9.90 ISBN 978-88-95374-12-3

Rail Secondary

Dante Diamante

is booking through catalogs in February

"Here are the lions," warned the antiche carte geografiche per indicare le terre inesplorate...
" Hic Sunt Leones " : ai confini e nel cuore del fumetto.
Ritorna la collana più originale e innovativa del fumetto italiano contemporaneo, con una nuova serie bilingue in offset, e con la consueta, estrema cura dei volumi Q Press: carta patinata ad alto spessore resistente al'invecchiamento, cucitura a filo refe, copertina plastificata.

Ferrovia Secondaria rappresenta la punta di diamante e la più seguita delle proposte della prima serie di "Hic Sunt Leones". Nasce e si sviluppa su un'idea semplice e geniale: un'unica serie di immagini per represent two stories running parallel. Never search an end in itself, each "area" is growing around with scripts calibrated solid ideas that can naturally fit together to make three different levels.
Synthesis and emotions as well, memorable stories, dall'umoristico the lyrical drama.
Wanda, who prefers to be called Dina. A school field trip, a lot of undisciplined, but the young teacher thinks about, and some people think more ... A history of violence on children. Spartacus lives alone in a cottage next to the railroad, and when the train passes ... One Sunday in the country for business or solitary, serene as ever. A storm squassante, and a man who has just lost his job. Una rosa barattata...
Otto "tratti" di Ferrovia Secondaria in un imperdibile, originalissimo volume, in prenotazione attraverso i cataloghi per le fumetterie di febbraio o in libreria.

Hic Sunt Leones - Serie offset
Dante Diamante

Ferrovia Secondaria
64 pagine in carta patinata opaca 150 g/m2
Copertina 300 g/m2, plastificata opaca
24x17 cm
Brossurato, rilegato a filo refe
Con traduzione in francese a piè di pagina
12,90 euro (Primavera 2011)
ISBN 978-88-95374-14-7

Dante Diamante , oltre a essere il geniale autore di Rail Secondary and Partisan myself, created the characters of Atro & Roll, and is skilled writer able to exploit all possibilities of this language, while remaining fully be enjoyed even by those who never reads comics. With Two hearts and a hut from a true story happened in Turin has created a memorable comic pamphlet on love and personal freedom.
One of the "features" of Rail Secondary had such a degree that it has been realized in the form of digital printing in Q & Q collection . # q & q4a

Exhibition of original drawings of

Two hearts and a hut

in Turin until 31 March

The original panels Two hearts and a hut will be on display until March 31 in the exhibition hall of the library line 451 to Turin (Via Santa Giulia 40, tel . 011 8136739).

From a true story: in an apartment in the center of Turin a couple lived without mai uscire, da anni. Più che un reportage, le "ipotesi" sui motivi della loro scelta...
La paura o il disprezzo verso il mondo esterno, una malattia (affrontando il tema attualissimo dell'amore verso una persona ridotta allo stato vegetativo), una scelta lucidissima, o comunque un amore, una questione privata che non deve riguardare che due persone?
A chi dà fastidio chi si ama? Perché l'amore non può bastare? L'amore estremo si basta, è solitudine felice o asocialità malata? I perché di un amore totale, condannato dallo società.
Un appartamento come un'isola...
Un avvincente pamphlet a fumetti sull'amore e sulla libertà individuale.

A solid project, conceived and written by Dante Diamante , involving several authors in the graphic, each in perfect view of a "hypothesis" by the esteemed and beloved Paul Bacilieri , repeatedly named the best Italian author , all'ammaliante versatility George Bellasio , graphic design of Atrox Zero , and Marco Talia, the clarity of Matteo Fenoglio to sign talented grotesque Alex Tirana and contributions to the intense realism of the soft Brazilian Rodrigo Arraya , in clear line of Mauro Ferrero and scratchboard of Rocco Lombardi . page you can find excerpts and reviews.

Necklace pamphlet
Dante Bacilieri Diamond & Paul, George Bellasio, Matteo Fenoglio, Marco Talia, Alex Tirana, Arraya Rodrigo, Mauro Ferrero, Rocco Lombardi

Two hearts and a hut
32 pages in coated paper 150 g/m2 300 g/m2
Cover, 17x24 cm plastic mat

Paperback, thread-bound

€ 6.90 ISBN 978-88-95374-08-6

PAM phlet
Reportage, real lives, pamphlet comics.
A series directed by Giuseppe Peruzzo, to tell and understand the reality with the most effective language.

A bunch of bombs
Castelli, Gomboli & Manara
The bad people
Étienne Davodeau
Étienne Davodeau
Two hearts and a hut
Dante's Diamond & AA. vv.
A man died
Kris & Etienne Davodeau
Amare seasons
Étienne Schréder

How Do You Increase Happiness In Pokemon Silver


some time this blog is acceptable softens with the contribution of a female voice, that of Paola Mauri. It has the great merit of different ideas to take us from reality and reflect on issues of real relevance, but with the detachment of those who look to them as if from another world or from a distant era. The effect you get is a seemingly strange but the focus that follows helps to reconsider the facts of the news freed by the urgency of the newspaper, placed in a broader perspective. My blogs, often politically incorrect , it produces a new quality and a more harmonious balance.
Today Paul's reflection draws inspiration from the tough stance against the power of women who use them in an instrumental and then, often, throws after being squeezed. But it is only the power to use them? Or are the women, when they get the chance to use it?

We understood loud and clear that beauty is a power to use. And to be clear, no-nonsense is not that it was not known since time immemorial. I am just saying that putting so flat, without a shred of doodling is a cuddly.
oppose is not correct, not good, I would be able to find words measured, and the wire continually escapes me, but wonder why I do not feel uncomfortable, that part of the universe that the world is ruled out of office by those greedy, as if before a baba, decides to take the subject more rare, more responsive to specific charges, more ...
This urban legend, passed off as absolute truth, is no longer conceivable, and each owner has to support it, but I think separately, and not making a philosophy which should be imposed più o meno a tutti i costi.
Il cervello va esercitato e l’esercizio ne facilita la funzione. E allora è tutto vero o meglio tutto può essere vero e i gusti sono gusti, ma lasciamo a tutti uno spazio e la possibilità di arrivare dove chi bella come il sole ambisce di arrivare, perché destinata, dalla nascita, ad essere l’ape regina.
È vero che non si può cambiare il mondo che per secoli è stato dominato dall’uomo che disponeva a suo piacimento delle donne, ma di fattori “ci”, “di”, “e”, “effe”, “gi”, ormai ce ne sono tanti in giro, peraltro tutti uguali, ben fatti, ben messi, che la monotonia è in agguato and a little 'healthy defect would restore harmony. And the harmony is a set of factors that consistency has nothing to do. Perhaps we should re-educate "the look" of those who just look for him to discover "the beauty".
Watch is able to catch, how to see, to interpret, to go further. The
will never be this bad in the eyes of those who know to look. The beauty will never be nice if that beyond is dark, mystified.
With words you can play with no heart. So all that is said, who passes himself off, which commodify well packaged with a gift basket, is the appearance of a reality that everyone wants copy but that lasts for the duration of a game with a toy at the end, does not hold because when disassembled, then reassembled no more. And children in these games, we have made so many. We have copied the other games and we wanted the games of others. I think it's the beginning of today's marketing and advertising.
has been applied to humans and it is understandable that perfection is even more alluring and desirable, but there is a mechanism that sooner or later gets stuck in this wonderful view. Much good may it do him then, to all those leaving satisfied and refreshed. So much for those who think differently is always good for "envy".
The "mussels," to mean, by this term, an ugly woman, you also waste a advertising, in my shame, a production machine Italian, whose spot is transmitted These days. In the end, then, everything will remain the same or change to remain motionless throughout the centuries. The power will always be associated with the good and the bad the ugly, to say nothing. Although
the ugly duckling may hold more surprises. And it's nice to believe it. Paolo Mauri

Paola Mauri Other contributions can be traced to the following addresses:

I remember in school they made us sing the Inno di Mameli

Take my kid and go to the mountains

Haiui ragiuni and m'a mangiu squara


PS: take this opportunity to invite other friends and friends who wish to express their views to comment on the post with their messages or sending texts and asking them to be published.
I turn, as written in summary, for those few who have not lost in the babel general, the ability and desire to reflect and reason.

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Received and Published:

TIME FREE. THE PRESIDENT February 24 PODESTA 'Alderman Stancari presents the book "150 YEARS OF THE PROVINCE OF MILAN IN COMICS"

Thursday, February 24 at 11.00 in room Frescoes in Palazzo Isimbardi , via a Nursery The President of the Province of Milan Hon Alderman Guido Podesta the Youth and Leisure Cristina Stancari present the book " 150 years of the Province of Milan comic." The press conference will act

Calzolari Joseph, director of the School of Comics in Milan.

will also present the students of the School of Comics who designed the book and the screenwriter.

The development of the book, in black and white, is based on a continuous "call and response" between past and present. The main character is Anna, a girl of 18 years. He lives in Milan where he goes to school, have friends and family and interacts con la città e le persone che la abitano. Piccoli eventi di tutti i giorni serviranno da innesco per raccontare la storia di Milano e della Provincia e di come queste due “realtà” si siano sviluppate insieme dal 1860 ad oggi.

distinti saluti

Claudio Filippo Zen
Assessorato Sport e Tempo libero, Politiche giovanili, Pari opportunità Provincia di Milano

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AAA: cause sudden uprising, offresi Libyan team of carers aged 18 to 30 years, referenziatissime, all above the fourth measure, experts in nursing, body guarding, care of the elderly, botulinum injections, massage, dance to the pole, with and without veils, talented individual and group activities. Equipped with firearms (non-conventional and mass destruction). Available upon request, even for religious conversions snapshots. Ability to transfer, preferably in the area Arcore. Free immediately.

Contact email:

Monday, February 21, 2011

Vegeta And Bulma Moments

Italy: with one eye looking to the Maghreb and the other looks uncertain things at home

As the fire spreads across the Maghreb with the popular uprising that brought down the regimes of Ben Ali and Mubarak, and is about to become the most Gaddafi's violent (much appreciated by the great ally of Saddam ours), Italy experienced a deadlock incomprehensible.

The country is still and does not seem to see, holding my breath waiting for that to happen must happen.

We, unlike the regimes of North Africa, is a legitimate government in a vote popular but deeply discredited for not having made the promise of compromise and corruption scandals involving several of its members; strongly colluded with the schemes mentioned above because of a disastrously short-sighted foreign policy.
parliament looks like a crazy crew that while the ship sinks, appears committed to putting away their stocks in the hold.
The chairman of the resistant power of believing, finally, successfully completing his twenty years of bloody battle with the judiciary, to gain full impunity for himself and his cronies.
and warns the President of the Republic invita alla moderazione, impegnato a evitare che gli facciano naufragare le celebrazioni dell'Unità, a lui tanto care ma sempre più anacronistiche alla luce della drammatica attualità. 
E molti Italiani osservano allibiti le cose di casa mentre seguono quello che accade a un tiro di schioppo da noi e solidarizzano, solo nel chiuso del loro ambiente domestico, con quelle popolazioni che si stanno liberando dei loro tiranni abbattendone i monumenti. 

Di fronte alla catastrofe incombente, un gruppo di intellettuali propone ai parlamentari delle opposizioni un nuovo Cln per liberare l'Italia dal berlusconismo.
Mentre Liberty and Justice invites Italian citizens to make their voices heard and demand that the government and parliament refuse to be enslaved to the power and utility of an individual defendant, the more of us are stunned and paralyzed to attend the momentous upheavals a world in profound change. Our destiny seems to remain as spectators to watch helplessly the irreversible movement of history go by without challenge us.

also read Ft: Italy Arab country Europe

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