Thursday, March 3, 2011

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With money you can buy villas , newspapers, maidens, and more, no dignity and honor living wills

In his collection of shame I thought was missing only the author of plagiarism. Now I discover that there was too. Sure, he had twenty years younger and was not chairman of the board. It was, however, a man of power and success, capable of discernment, former owner of Mediaset.

I'd like to revise that program on Channel 5 with the young employee who has an enormous cultural baggage and that he screens for modesty - I think - that of being tucked: She is also a great scholar of the classics, do not be modest. Her doctor, has just published an edition of Thomas More Utopia fine, with a beautiful foreword and a perfect translation from Latin.

In this story there is already shed around the character: the embezzling of the translation of Utopia by Thomas More, including a preface by Luigi Firpo, having advertised his name in a 'fine edition for a few scholars and circulated it among friends, it seems unlikely a thing but it happened. Is coupled with the daring way in which it is appropriate to Villa San Martino tearing an orphan child, unable to protect themselves.

A character like that, capable of much, then go in search of beautiful young women, including minors, to cheer his evenings obscene, if it were our neighbors, keep him away and try to avoid run across the street. Since, however, the owner of half of Italy and chairman of the board, not only justify but also allow it to distinquere what is permissible from what is not, what is legal from what is not legal, and we are going to conform to his will.

Now, for example, while the Italians are asking, among other things, a fair justice, effective time-scale and certainty of punishment, the best showman of the past 150 years and was more interested in passing laws, and sneaky various subterfuges to enable them to avoid the processes that concern him, and the resulting judgments. It is found around many yes men prone, ready to meet all aspirations because they were born to be servants.
In a country where 30% of young people and 50% of women can not find work, with the explosive situation on the southern Mediterranean coast, the agenda of government priorities as the process short, the immunity , the law on wiretapping, smuggled as urgent, and even claimed by the Italians.

resignation as a minister and member of the German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, following the scandal largely plagiarized his doctoral thesis, has brought the spotlight on the Italian case of appropriation by a version of Berlusconi Utopia by Thomas More, produced by the late Professor Luigi Firpo, emeritus scholar of Renaissance culture, with particular attention to the season between the Renaissance and Counter Reformation.

Thanks to Professor Firpo and his wife, Mrs. Laura Salvetti, for giving us a complete picture of human beings throughout cialtronesca its vulgarity.

reproduce here the story that Mrs. Laura did the episode, reported by Olga Piscitelli in Liberty and Justice

From the Republic of March 23, 2006 -
Knight's book and copied to the historic . So my husband
Firpo The unmasking of Marco Travaglio
TURIN - One summer day in mid-80's Luigi Firpo he sat in an armchair in his villa on the hills of Turin with his wife Laura. It was zapping on TV. On Channel 5 a lovely young lady was interviewing the owner, Silvio Berlusconi. And I extolled the enormous cultural baggage: "She is also a great scholar of the classics." The Knight screen: "No, do not say that." She said, "Yes, however, do not be modest. Her doctor, has just published an edition of Thomas More Utopia fine, with a beautiful foreword and a perfect translation from Latin. " He said, "Well, actually we do not know all the Latin, you have to translate it." Firpo, Turin great intellectual, polemicist of the Press with his "bad thoughts", but also a university professor of the History of Political Thought and among the leading experts in Renaissance culture, he directed antennas. Also because he had recently translated and annotated edition of Utopia Guide to the publisher of Naples. Attacked the interviewer to read the preface of the Knight. After the first two sentences, the old student jumped on the couch, "But the preface is mine! It's all copied! But who is this man? But how dare you? ". The incident reminded Laura Salvetti Firpo's widow, a few days ago, when Silvio Berlusconi in one of his tele-external constituencies is thus described in the third person: "The prime minister has been feeding readings and has an excellent curriculum study ... very relevant." It is running in archive, pulled out a folder titled "Berlusconi" has dug a strange note of the Knight autograph and decided to tell the backstory. "It was just after the summer holidays, I believe in September. Firpo (she calls him so respectfully, ed), on TV when he discovered that Berlusconi had copied his version of Utopia, he attacked immediately on the phone to get that book. They answered that it was a private issue, in small numbers, given Knight's entourage. But he, through the Association of Friends of Thomas More Milan, managed to get a copy for viewing. The flipped and snapped: "This is not plagiarism, it's worse! What has copied entire passages of my preface my complete translation from Latin, putting his signature. Has not changed even the commas. " He took a pen and paper and wrote to Berlusconi told to withdraw all copies and immediately announced that he filed a complaint. A few days later the phone rang at home: it was Berlusconi. " At this point an irresistible ballet phone with Knight looking childish excuses to appease the wrath of the austere cattedratico, e questi che, sbollita la furia, si diverte a giocare al gatto col topo. Firpo minaccia di mettere in piazza tutto e trascinarlo in tribunale. «Berlusconi – ricorda la moglie – incolpò subito una collaboratrice, che a suo dire avrebbe copiato prefazione e traduzione a sua insaputa. E implorò Firpo di soprassedere, pur precisando di non poter ritirare le mille copie già stampate e regalate ad amici e collaboratori. Firpo, capito il personaggio, cominciò a divertirsi alle sue spalle. Lo teneva sulla corda con la causa giudiziaria. E Berlusconi continuava a telefonare un giorno sì e un giorno no, con una fifa nera. Pregava di risparmiarlo, piagnucolava che uno scandalo l’avrebbe rovinato». Pure Franzo Grande Stevens, famoso avvocato e consigliere di casa Agnelli, che di Firpo era amico anche per via della comune candidatura nel Pri, seguì la faccenda da vicino: «Firpo mi raccontò di quel plagio. Era esterrefatto. Anche perché Berlusconi, anziché scusarsi, dava la colpa a una segretaria. Poi cercò di rabbonirlo con regali costosi, che il professore rispedì sdegnosamente al mittente». «Passava – ricorda la moglie Laura – intere mezz’ore al telefono col Cavaliere. E alla fine correva a raccontarmele, fra l’indignato e il divertito: sapessi quante barzellette conosce quel Berlusconi. E’ un mercante di tappeti, una faccia di bronzo da non credere, sembra di essere in una televendita». Il haggling dragged on for months. Even with an exchange of letters, still reserved (will be public only in 2009, twenty 'years after the death of the scholar). For now, note that there is only left in the drawers of Mrs Laura, as was also addressed to her, "accompanied by a double gift for Christmas, I think, 1986. Meanwhile, Berlusconi had published revised edition of Utopia, without the preface and copied with the translation of Firpo regularly cited. But Firpo continued to make the injured, he repeated that the matter was serious and was still discussing with lawyers. One day I was invited to Channel 5 to talk about the Pope and Berlusconi found himself behind the scenes gli porgeva una busta con del denaro, “per il suo disturbo e l’onore che ci fa”. Naturalmente la rifiutò. Poi a Natale arrivò un corriere da Segrate con un bouquet di orchidee che non entrava neppure dalla porta e un pacco: dentro c’era una valigetta ventiquattr’ore in coccodrillo con le cifre LF in oro». Il biglietto d’accompagnamento è intestato Silvio Berlusconi, datato “Natale 1986? (ma l’ultima cifra è uno scarabocchio) e scritto a penna: “Molti cordiali auguri ed a presto. Spero! Silvio Berlusconi”. Poi una frase aggiunta a biro: “Per carità non mi rovini!!!”. Ma Firpo continuò il suo gioco: «Rispedì la borsa a Berlusconi, with a wry note: "Dear Doctor, Thank you for your generosity, but luxury items do not belong in me: I am an old professor used to run with a torn bag in which I am very fond. As for flowers, I beg you on behalf of my wife, Laura, do not send more for us, cut flowers are sexual organs cut "Do not you ever heard."
This is the last time (I swear) that I dedicate my time and my attention to outline aspects of the life and work of a character so despicable. The Italians have long since all the tools to understand what hands they have entrusted the fate of the country.
I reserve the right to return to speak again of him when he is forced to leave, with great shame I hope the leadership of a government of only do what he pleases and suits . To rejoice with those who, for some time, he observed with horror the indecent acts.

Read: Thomas More - Utopia, edited by Luigi Firpo

That book Firpo Berlusconi signed

Visit also Fondazione Luigi Firpo


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