In recent weeks we have witnessed the sudden change of situation geopolitics of North Africa and the fall, such as bowling, the old dictator under the blows of a popular uprising that has spread like wildfire throughout the Maghreb region and beyond.
Libya bloody confrontation is still ongoing because the political system around the strutturatosi Colonel Gaddafi's hard to fall and plans to sell life dearly .
While the young people of the Maghreb knock down their old tyrants who already were preparing to leave their children the legacy of corruption of power, and calling for democracy, jobs and better living conditions, civil and democratic European states seem watch with surprise and fear the turmoil ongoing in the area, questioning the old political order and economic.
Italy, in particular, with the Maghreb States cultivates close political and economic, was taken off guard and shows very hesitant to leave their fate to the old contacts. While it should be, with realism and foresight to start a serious approach to the new forces that have supplanted the previous regimes and to guide and lead the way toward democracy. Our government seems, however, concerned almost exclusively contain the pressure of masses of North African refugees have on our shores, and little or no opportunity for our country to strengthen the bonds of cooperation and solidarity with those people that look overwhelmingly in the stage of history.
If the policy states is slow and sometimes short-sighted, especially when you close in their backyard , is the culture that often opens the way for innovation and change.
I happened to hand these days by visiting the CENSIS the Poll one month preceding the International Conference Mediterranean: Eastern Gateway held in Palermo in May 2010 .
La Fondazione Roma Mediterraneo ha promosso la realizzazione della Conferenza con l’obiettivo di fornire un contributo originale al dibattito in corso, tramite il coinvolgimento di esperti, studiosi, imprenditori, uomini di cultura. Dal Mediterraneo orientale all’Egitto, alla Mesopotamia, all’Asia minore, alla Grecia, fino a Roma, qui si è dipanato il cammino di popoli, di culture, di civiltà che hanno segnato la storia dell’intera umanità e che sono la madre di questa nostra Europa . Così si è espresso il presidente della Fondazione Roma, Emanuele, aprendo i lavori della conferenza, aggiungendo che La Sicilia è una testa di Advanced bridge Europe to Africa and parts of Asia .
The Mediterranean must be for the EU area geo-political priority within the international arena - said Emanuele -, Italy should push strongly in this direction, much more than it has done so far.
From the above survey shows that 49.1% of Italians (with a peak of 62.8% among residents in the South) shows a prevailing sense of belonging to the Mediterranean. While over 57% of respondents in the Mediterranean area is destined to play a growing role in the global scene. Italians identify significant opportunities for economic development for the Mediterranean region, strategically characterized, first, by the European stability, the other with great potential for developing countries that border the southeast edge of Mare Nostrum .
in an atmosphere of constructive cooperation and integration, the region, characterized by an important historical and cultural heritage, the beauty of the landscape and a favorable climate, could produce a thrust in the economic, social and cultural sectors against the old Europe.
There are five pillars of the new Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, according to Emanuele: international security, immigration, environment, economic partnerships, education and culture .
With these persupposti the Mediterranean could again become a political and cultural laboratory experiment where an alternative model uncontrolled accumulation of capital and the financing of the economy because you can build the conditions for an economic system that operates at advantage of production and people's basic needs.
In questi termini, camicie verdi permettendo, andrebbe costruito l'approccio con quel mondo, apparentemente tanto lontano, ma a noi sostanzialmente così vicino.
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