Maccaroni apocalypse
These make me die ! Yucatan is a group of 38 Italian families that is being built underground bunker to escape a village at the end of the world in 2012. All proof of global thermonuclear apocalypse, with thick walls such as dams and so on. The Mexican government even claims that he was not allowed to enter to inspect the site. But how? Local authorities have the power to see they're doing 38 Italian families on Mexican soil? What is it? The cult of Illuminados? For another, there's news from the U.S. these days that a Christian millenarian religious community para-X-Files would argue that the end of the world is much closer in 2012, would be next May, can not remember the exact day, 19 or 21 I think. I realize that it would be an important detail to remember, but just eludes me. However, you do everything by 18 and you're right, slopes are not open. At that point, 18 to the evening you can also try to see if you can give it a shot to Belen, then so is a matter of minutes.
I wonder why Italians have gone up in the Yucatan to be the bunker, I realized that the Maya were west of the Coliseum, but there was need to go down there? A long, underground to underground, Helsinki and Sydney is the same thing.
Also following the literature on film for the world, I am always asked, but how do they survive after the survivors? I mean, if the world comes down cocks at all levels, morphological sconquassi the world, collapse of the climate, micro-and macro-go to the dogs, extinction of any power source other than the crap, trivia come le centrali nucleari che magari fanno puuffff ... e appestano in giro di radiazioni, eccetera. Ora, quelli rintanati nel covo delle talpe, reggono finché hanno scorte e ossigeno, prima o poi tornano in superficie però, anche per capire che roba è successa. Ecco, ammesso e non concesso che non muoiano di 287 malattie che contraggono all'istante con l'aria che respirano, cosa mangerebbero poi, bacche radioattive? Carcasse di animali in putrefazione? O vanno al McDonald's che tanto resta in piedi perché era già radioattivo prima? Sergio Martino saprebbe cosa fare.
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