Nel suo bell'editoriale di oggi sull'Unità, Inadatto al compito , Concita De Gregorio ci dimostra una verità lapalissiano, che non si riforma Justice who is charged with . The same way self-evident, that discovers Concita Similarly there is no question of reorganization of the broadcasting system with those who have a monopoly . Finally, the dear director discovers that Simply: it prevents those who hold the monopoly of the broadcasting system of governing .
agree more, obvious, evident, dear Conchita. One note I want to do your analysis so disarming as correct: it is late because it comes with a delay of more than 17 years.
agree more, obvious, evident, dear Conchita. One note I want to do your analysis so disarming as correct: it is late because it comes with a delay of more than 17 years.
For me, the serious anomaly that has been down since the famous field. And then I asked myself, with real regret, why fine liberal and leading a couple left not knowing it or pretended not to notice. The center-left has had two good chances to legislate on conflict of interest and to regulate public service television and the monopoly of the ether from the sole holder of the private TV.
to ignorance, lack of courage , for some reason or connivance, he did not. At this point the opposition would do well to clear the field. Those responsible for the omissions referred to above should have already some time off from your feet and, for love of country, make room for more figures suitable and capable of producing a radical change to return to normal. The same signatures gathered by the Bersani poor show by themselves that people are more aware of the shameful shambles in which we live, than they are the same vertex of the largest opposition party.
At this point, what can you do but hope that hanged himself with his own hands or the God Almighty to call him a better life?
He can blame when he accuses the opposition of being without a leader or ideas?
A meno che questi parlamentari della cosiddetta opposione, consapevoli delle loro responsabilità pregresse e della loro incapacità di metterlo in crisi e costringerlo alle dimissioni, non facciano l'unico atto coraggioso e responsabile che potrebbe portarci al voto: dimettersi in massa facendo harakiri . I cittadini elettori, eccetto quelli che hanno portato il cervello all'ammasso delle TV Mediaset e del Giornale, sono pronti a rimpiazzarli degnamente e mi sembrano in numero sufficiente a creare le condizioni per nuove e diverse maggioranze politiche.
Abbiamo firmato in massa e sostenuto the initiative of the PD Berlusconi resign , compact participate in the event of Saturday, March 12 In defense of the Constitution but we expect that act of courage and responsibility that has been lacking!
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