Friday, March 11, 2011

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Earthquake and tsunami geology political

Today we should reflect on the devastating effects of the earthquake in Japan, partly because of the catastrophic tsunami has produced more than a thousand casualties and put out of control a nuclear power plant.
We talking about the country that has made forecasting and preventing earthquakes and implementation of advanced systems of civil protection a priority. Without these interventions, the earthquake yesterday, for the destructive power which dispersed, would be remembered as one of the worst disasters in history.

Dovremmo pensare a dimostrare concreta e fattiva solidarietà a quel Paese colpito dall'immane disastro. 
Dovremmo riflettere sulla situazione di profondo degrado in cui la speculazione edilizia e il mancato rispetto delle norme urbanistiche hanno lasciato tante nostre zone a rischio.
Dovremmo considerare e farci carico delle enormi difficoltà in cui procede la ricostruzione dell'Aquila e il risanamento del suo territorio.

Siamo, invece, costretti, a partecipare in massa alle grandi manifestazioni che oggi hanno luogo in molte città italiane per richiedere quello che in una nazione civile e democratica dovrebbe Perhaps for granted:
  1. respect and safeguard the Constitution that the government and its parliamentary majority would like to dismantle in order to make it easier for the corrupt oligarchy in power;
  2. the defense of public school, the only means of growth for future generations and a bulwark of civil and democratic emancipation;
  3. support to research organizations and cultural institutions which atraverso passes the process of developing socierà and the country;
  4. defense of the judiciary and the law that would destroy a corrupt caste;
  5. the reorganization of the information system, it will return to serve the citizen and no longer subservient to power.

Our leaders would do well to reflect on the tsunami that the people in revolt resulted in the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe Maghreb.
pull the rope too, and pretend not to underestimate the urgent demands and urgent that the citizens can come rappesentare an unforgivable mistake is fatal to a political power that is considered legitimate by the people.

How To Get A Pikachu In Silver

Al via Cartoomics e Ludica a fieramilanocity. Tre giorni di divertimento fino a domenica 13 marzo

Received and Published:

CARTOOMICS 2011 2011
11-12-13 March 2011

Fieramilanocity - Hall 4 Porta Colleoni
Admission: € 12.00, reduced € 8.00 - Hours: 9:30 to 19:30
Information: 02/66301754 -

Cartoomics comes of age!

starts tomorrow the 18th edition of the Salone del Cartoon Cartoons, Collections and Videogames Games and

Now in its eighteenth edition, impostasi as one of the most awaited and important calendar of Italian comics, Cartoomics , the Exhibition of Comics, Cartoons, Collections and Videogames Games and Milan celebrated with a very special edition housed in a pavilion still bigger!

The theme for 2011 is the fashion and its relationship to the world of comics, with a major exhibition entitled MilanoVesteFumetto (by Fondazione Franco Fossati) and Les Dessous de la Femme , a tribute to "erotic" to lingerie designed by the great masters of the erotic. Rich the calendar of events with the big names in comics, presentations of new publications, meetings, award ceremonies and panel discussions.

After the extraordinary success of last year, returning even more numerous Cosplay with their colorful parades and clubs dedicated to the most famous legends of science fiction, from Star Wars to Star Trek.

Ludica Back at the fair, the "games room
" Italy's largest

is also this year the appointment with the event in Milan dedicated to board games and video games.

As for video games, confirm their presence this year two major national player in the industry, and Italy ProGaming Generation Web highlight of the proposed ProGaming Italy will be the ' ESL Arena, area tournaments with tens seats that will offer challenges to all the geeks on PC and all consoles Popular (PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii) . Also within the area of \u200b\u200bthe stand ProGaming presence of Nintendo Italy - with the highly anticipated Nintendo 3DS , the new con-sole that does not need 3D glasses - and Warner Bros. Entertainment Italy, with a tournament on ' Preview Mortal Kombat 2011.

Generation Web will host the third leg of Games Party Tour 2011, will set up a picnic area with more than 80 stations playing able to satisfy even the most demanding player . Ben 12 tournaments scheduled, including the official tournament in the 2011 EA SPORTS Football Challenge 1vs1 mode. You can also try out the latest Disney video games (Epic Mickey and Tron: Evolution) and Electonic Arts (Dead Space 2, and Crysis Bullet Storm 2). In VGP space will also Hasbro, Magic The Gathering (both in the classical version of the game di carte sia in quella nuovissima per console e PC), Nerf e la novità Cuponk.

Nello spazio di Ludica riservato ai giochi da tavolo , invece, confermata per la per la quarta volta la presenza di Area Autoproduzione e del suo storico coordinatore, Angelo Porazzi: qui tutti i fan dei boardgame potranno divertirsi con i giochi creati, illustrati e prodotti dagli autori stessi. Altre presenze da segnalare sono quelle de La Città del Gioco , che presenta fra l’altro Dixit, “miglior gioco dell’anno” in Germania nel 2010, e i nuovissimi LEGO Games , e de La Tana dei Goblin , a real "den" of boardgame enthusiasts, and through its portal, a meeting point of the wider Italian community of "players from the table."

Finally in 2011 will make its debut Ludica Giocabar , an area that resurface the chance to play with good old games "Bar Centrale" a time, from football to table tennis, darts from the pool .

not get to Cartoomics Ludica and unprepared ...
Here are all the news and useful information that can be found on sites and

Come entrare in fiera risparmiando 4 euro

Come arrivare a fieramilanocity

● La planimetria del Padiglione 4 per orientarvi tra i vari stand e gli spazi espositivi una volta all’interno della fiera e l’elenco completo degli espositori

Tutti gli autori che sarà possibile incontrare in fiera

● Il programma dell’Agorà , la “grande piazza” Cartoomics dedica a presentazioni,
tavole rotonde e incontri tra il pubblico e il mondo degli autori e degli editori.

Tutte le novità editoriali e le news dagli espositori

Tutte le news sugli eventi di Cartoomics messe online dalla redazione

Vi aspettiamo numerosi a Cartoomics e Ludica 2011 a partire da venerdì 11 marzo, fino a domenica 13!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Rusty Dogs: decimo episodio online

Riceviamo e pubblichiamo:

E' online il decimo episodio di Rusty Dogs , "Dogs years".
Ai disegni Alberto Massaggia .

http://rusty-dogs.blogspot. com/2011/03/dogs-years.html

Rusty Dogs is a comic book series made up of crime-noir short stories and published on a blog:

Emiliano Longobardi.

Fabiano Ambu, Becciu Antonello, Michele Benevento, James Bevilacqua, Lelio Bonaccorso, Elia Bonetti, Richard Burchielli, Matthew Bush, Giancarlo Caracuzzo, Raul Cestaro, Massimo Dall'Oglio, Davide De Cubellis, Andrea Del Campo, Werther Dell'Edera, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Michael Duch, Antonio Fuso, Andrea Gadaldi, Peter Gallo, David Gianfelice, Gianfranco Giardina, Giuliano Giunta, Simone Guglielmi, Giuseppe Marinello, Alex Massacci, Francesco Mortarino, Guido Niedzwiecki, David Pascutto, Rossano Piccioni, Pontrelli Giorgio, Paolo Raffaelli, Maurice Ribichini, Andrea Rossi, Armando Rossi, Lorenzo Ruggiero, Antonio Sarchione, Money Mark, Cristiano Spada, Claudio Stassi, Joachim and Tilloca Richard Torti.

Logo, graphics and lettering:
Mauro Mura

Editor: Andrea Toscani

The Facebook group dedicated to Rusty Dogs is reached at the following url:
http://www.facebook. com / emiliano.longobardi1 # / group. php? Gid = 340864895079 & ref = mf

For info: Emiliano Longobardi - emiliano.longobardi @

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Good information drives out the bad always

So on Monday, after TG Minzolini weblog, the Italian to drink for five minutes will be cheered by the bulk of stout Giuliano Ferrara, who, with his natural objectivity, will review the events of the day. To immediately put his hands on, has already said: I hope to do controversy to break the cloak of hypocrisy, I hurt some newspapers, some commentators.
no doubt about it! For the modest sum of 600 € per minute for five days a week - the contract for two years - Italians who pay the fee will have too bigwig that will help them form an opinion. That same public space for information, which is managed wisely and with honor by the late Enzo Biagi.

My humble advice is to let it spew his bile because it will be able to go out alone. Moreover Minzolini his disciple has managed to sink only to the first TG of the RAI.
Spaces RAI 1 devoted to 'information policy and to 'study , like millions of Italians, I deliberately avoid them. Fortunately, the remote control is used to this. And who would not tune into the third channel of RAI (because it is too flat) has provided the good news department of Mentone on La7 , balanced, documented and complete. And the depth of space that offers La7 at all hours, from 8 1 / 2 which, when conducted by Lilli Gruber, saw its shares soar.

Good information drives out the bad always.

is the character who will entertain you after the news of Minzolini

Three thousand euro a day, so no hypocrisy advocate Silvio
L ' interview with Giuliano Ferrara, Goffredo De Marchis

its weight in gold - commentary by Marco Travaglio

Two comments picked up online:
I pay in installments because the cannon € 110 many workers are to me, and you tell me that I am obliged a pagare per dare a Ferrara 3000 € al di !!! l'imposibilità di difesa, di gridare per l'ingiutizia, per l'arroganza con la quale siamo trattati, ha superato ogni decenza!

Vergognati !!! pagato dal servizio pubblico per una crociata a favore del tuo datore di lavoro che fino a ieri diceva di non pagare il canone rai ...vai a fare il James Bond per la CIA che è meglio per tutti !!!

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Da questa settimana con il Giornalino 7 dvd d'animazione sui I DIECI COMANDAMENTI e un VOLUME didattico sul Decalogo

Received and Published:

at newsstands, the magazine combined with
unpublished 7 DVD entertainment and a book teaching kids to tell the Decalogue
From this week the Newspaper, a weekly children's publishing group San Paolo, offers, in conjunction 7 dvd animation "The Ten Commandments for boys " and an introductory booklet designed to tell the values, always present, inscribed on the Tablets of the Law through languages \u200b\u200band technologies that young people prefer. The initiative is part of a larger group projects that promote these days, through a major communications campaign supported by Famiglia Cristiana, the reading of the Commandments declined for different audiences. In particular, this proposal is designed for all speakers, educators and youth groups for boys and catechesis for the sacraments of Christian initiation.
unpublished work, the DVDs are made up of animated stories, accompanied by music and original songs: the first, which is given the title of the series "The Ten Commandments" is out this week (March 10 ), and tells the story of Moses and the Tablets of the Law.
from second to sixth will be represented, in groups of two, the Commandments through the adventures of Seth and his friend Ephraim grappling with the teachings of God The series is sold as an option purchase at € 6.90 (5.90 by volume) more than the cost of the magazine (1.90 €).
Below is the list of titles and dates of publication:
2) "A not so golden calf" - 1st and 2nd commandment (March 17 )
3) "One day in the fight" - 3rd and 4th commandment (March 24)
4) "The Adventure of Seth" - 5th and 6th ° Controls (March 31)
5) "Stolen Jewels, Stolen Hearts" - 7th and 8th Commandment (April 7)
6) "Playing with the truth" - 9th and 10th Commandment (April 14)
The seventh DVD (released on 21 April, during Holy Week) intititola is "Miracle Maker - The Story of Jesus", an animated feature film from very nice puppets.
Finally, the unprecedented volume of 64 pages "The Ten Commandments for kids," out April 28. Made by the Group "the Sycamore," specializing in publications for catechists, offers an insight into the subject with illustrations texts and useful and clear to young readers.

Each week, in addition, the Newspaper accompanies the DVD release with a service that develops the themes and content within the heading of information and religious education "G like Jesus."
A communication campaign is expected to Future and thematic channel Cartoon Network for the launch period. These cover the average of the Group Editorial St. Paul, the monthly Baby G, Living in harmony , Jesus, the weekly Famiglia Cristiana and the Newspaper , broadcasters and Telenova Telesubalpina and sites and

For more information call or send an email to 02-
Milan, March 10, 2011

The Proposal Dvd Quality Stream

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I was looking for an excuse, a shred of news, something to make a post and publish this photo supadupahot Britney's ex-thigh cosmic roundness to margarine, and stiletto heels piercing unconventional (in Fotosciòp mettetevelo der spot care off!). His new album comes out March 29, it seems (thank goodness, before the end of the world) and, for the occasion, gave an interview to Brit Out magazine where amenities interesting guy who speaks in her previous life she was Audrey Hepburn and the next will be a bird, that had it not been "Britney Spears" would have done the lawyer, who is a Christina Aguilera talented girl, and when he has a bad day is mother's advice: eat ice cream. Meanwhile, however, it takes me a cazzabubbola pretext for publication, to put into his photos of the rest of us proud testosterone men transoceanic galleon.

There was nothing to do, nothing that was worth anything at all, it occurred to me not even half artichoke update on something. And then we go on scientific (Admiral Educational), I am sure that this collection of valuable information organic "never without" a turn to give your day lived in the shadow of ignorance:

- a cough was explosive power in grado di spostare l'aria a una velocità di circa 90 km/h;
- uno starnuto può raggiungere la velocità di circa 160 km/h;
- una singola cellula di sangue impiega circa 60 secondi a compiere il giro completo del sistema circolatorio;
- dalla nascita all'età adulta gli uomini perdono un totale di 94 ossa;
- i biondi hanno più capelli dei mori;
- ogni giorno perdiamo dai 40 ai 100 capelli;
- entro i sessanta anni la maggior parte delle persone ha perso metà delle proprie papille gustative;
- entro i settanta anni il cuore avrà battuto per 2 miliardi e mezzo of times (at an average of 70 beats per minute);
- each 6.5 cm square of skin contains an average of 32 million bacteria;
- every human being loses about 600,000 particles of skin per hour . Within seventy years will have lost an average of 50 kg of skin;
- the noise produced by a sneeze is about 69 decibels, that is, as that of a jackhammer

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Fumetterni 2011 non si farà

Received and Published:


In the absence of clear and definitive responses by the town of Terni, we regret (and correct) confirm that the event will not.
Compared to the previous two editions, had suggested a change of dates in early April or mid May, with the simultaneous "removal" in Tacitus's Square and surrounding area, in a series of tensile structures, designed to have a wider audience, and to favor the historic center of the city.
To date, however, having no certainty on the part of institutions, the Associazione Culturale Amici Miei prefer to cancel the event and focus on the now-established comics Narnia, scheduled for 3 and 4 September, which has the full support of City of Narni.
To those who have written to us and encouraged those who have believed in giving us support and collaboration, we give our thanks.

Francis September
Fumetteria ANTAN COMICS , via Armellini 6, 05100 Terni - FACEBOOK
tel: (+39) 0744.471523 - (+39) 328.4122189 - PI 01290780558, CF STT fnc 76c08 l117s
My Friends Cultural Association, via Armellini 6, 05100 Terni
PI: 01438420554 - Tel: 0744.471523 - IBAN it85L0638014400100000000066

NARNIA COMIC 6th edition: 3 and 4 September 2011! -

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Only now, dear Conchita? And only UNFIT FOR DUTY?

Nel suo bell'editoriale di oggi sull'Unità, Inadatto al compito , Concita De Gregorio ci dimostra una verità lapalissiano, che non si riforma Justice who is charged with . The same way self-evident, that discovers Concita Similarly there is no question of reorganization of the broadcasting system with those who have a monopoly . Finally, the dear director discovers that Simply: it prevents those who hold the monopoly of the broadcasting system of governing .

agree more, obvious, evident, dear Conchita. One note I want to do your analysis so disarming as correct: it is late because it comes with a delay of more than 17 years.

For me, the serious anomaly that has been down since the famous field. And then I asked myself, with real regret, why fine liberal and leading a couple left not knowing it or pretended not to notice. The center-left has had two good chances to legislate on conflict of interest and to regulate public service television and the monopoly of the ether from the sole holder of the private TV.
to ignorance, lack of courage , for some reason or connivance, he did not.

At this point the opposition would do well to clear the field. Those responsible for the omissions referred to above should have already some time off from your feet and, for love of country, make room for more figures suitable and capable of producing a radical change to return to normal. The same signatures gathered by the Bersani poor show by themselves that people are more aware of the shameful shambles in which we live, than they are the same vertex of the largest opposition party.
At this point, what can you do but hope that hanged himself with his own hands or the God Almighty to call him a better life?
He can blame when he accuses the opposition of being without a leader or ideas?

A meno che questi parlamentari della cosiddetta opposione, consapevoli delle loro responsabilità pregresse e della loro incapacità di metterlo in crisi e costringerlo alle dimissioni, non facciano l'unico atto coraggioso e responsabile che potrebbe portarci al voto: dimettersi in massa facendo harakiri . I cittadini elettori, eccetto quelli che hanno portato il cervello all'ammasso delle TV Mediaset e del Giornale, sono pronti a rimpiazzarli degnamente e mi sembrano in numero sufficiente a creare le condizioni per nuove e diverse maggioranze politiche.

Abbiamo firmato in massa e sostenuto the initiative of the PD Berlusconi resign , compact participate in the event of Saturday, March 12 In defense of the Constitution but we expect that act of courage and responsibility that has been lacking!

ps: from the beginning to avoid the shame would have been enough to apply, including the parliament and the government, the rules for disqualification, ineligibility and incompatibilities in the existing local authorities.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Leigh From Xtreme Curves

Speciale gusto degli altri per neofiti_ di Sergio Tulipano

Received and Published:

Buongiorno everyone!
the following link to the second part of the SPECIAL TASTE OF OTHER COMICS dedicated to newbies:
Enjoy and good ... fun!
Alessandra Madella
Viale Abruzzi 72
20131 Milan

What Happened To Tiffanyy In Eastenders

Maccaroni apocalypse

These make me die ! Yucatan is a group of 38 Italian families that is being built underground bunker to escape a village at the end of the world in 2012. All proof of global thermonuclear apocalypse, with thick walls such as dams and so on. The Mexican government even claims that he was not allowed to enter to inspect the site. But how? Local authorities have the power to see they're doing 38 Italian families on Mexican soil? What is it? The cult of Illuminados? For another, there's news from the U.S. these days that a Christian millenarian religious community para-X-Files would argue that the end of the world is much closer in 2012, would be next May, can not remember the exact day, 19 or 21 I think. I realize that it would be an important detail to remember, but just eludes me. However, you do everything by 18 and you're right, slopes are not open. At that point, 18 to the evening you can also try to see if you can give it a shot to Belen, then so is a matter of minutes.

I wonder why Italians have gone up in the Yucatan to be the bunker, I realized that the Maya were west of the Coliseum, but there was need to go down there? A long, underground to underground, Helsinki and Sydney is the same thing.
Also following the literature on film for the world, I am always asked, but how do they survive after the survivors? I mean, if the world comes down cocks at all levels, morphological sconquassi the world, collapse of the climate, micro-and macro-go to the dogs, extinction of any power source other than the crap, trivia come le centrali nucleari che magari fanno puuffff ... e appestano in giro di radiazioni, eccetera. Ora, quelli rintanati nel covo delle talpe, reggono finché hanno scorte e ossigeno, prima o poi tornano in superficie però, anche per capire che roba è successa. Ecco, ammesso e non concesso che non muoiano di 287 malattie che contraggono all'istante con l'aria che respirano, cosa mangerebbero poi, bacche radioattive? Carcasse di animali in putrefazione? O vanno al McDonald's che tanto resta in piedi perché era già radioattivo prima? Sergio Martino saprebbe cosa fare.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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The Mediterranean: bridge or barrier between peoples?

In recent weeks we have witnessed the sudden change of situation geopolitics of North Africa and the fall, such as bowling, the old dictator under the blows of a popular uprising that has spread like wildfire throughout the Maghreb region and beyond.
Libya bloody confrontation is still ongoing because the political system around the strutturatosi Colonel Gaddafi's hard to fall and plans to sell life dearly .
While the young people of the Maghreb knock down their old tyrants who already were preparing to leave their children the legacy of corruption of power, and calling for democracy, jobs and better living conditions, civil and democratic European states seem watch with surprise and fear the turmoil ongoing in the area, questioning the old political order and economic.
Italy, in particular, with the Maghreb States cultivates close political and economic, was taken off guard and shows very hesitant to leave their fate to the old contacts. While it should be, with realism and foresight to start a serious approach to the new forces that have supplanted the previous regimes and to guide and lead the way toward democracy. Our government seems, however, concerned almost exclusively contain the pressure of masses of North African refugees have on our shores, and little or no opportunity for our country to strengthen the bonds of cooperation and solidarity with those people that look overwhelmingly in the stage of history.

If the policy states is slow and sometimes short-sighted, especially when you close in their backyard , is the culture that often opens the way for innovation and change.
I happened to hand these days by visiting the CENSIS the Poll one month preceding the International Conference Mediterranean: Eastern Gateway held in Palermo in May 2010 .
La Fondazione Roma Mediterraneo  ha promosso la realizzazione della Conferenza con l’obiettivo di fornire un contributo originale al dibattito in corso, tramite il coinvolgimento di esperti, studiosi, imprenditori, uomini di cultura. Dal Mediterraneo orientale all’Egitto, alla Mesopotamia, all’Asia minore, alla Grecia, fino a Roma, qui si è dipanato il cammino di popoli, di culture, di civiltà che hanno segnato la storia dell’intera umanità e che sono la madre di questa nostra Europa . Così si è espresso il presidente della Fondazione Roma, Emanuele, aprendo i lavori della conferenza, aggiungendo che La Sicilia è una testa di Advanced bridge Europe to Africa and parts of Asia .
The Mediterranean must be for the EU area geo-political priority within the international arena - said Emanuele -, Italy should push strongly in this direction, much more than it has done so far.

From the above survey shows that 49.1% of Italians (with a peak of 62.8% among residents in the South) shows a prevailing sense of belonging to the Mediterranean. While over 57% of respondents in the Mediterranean area is destined to play a growing role in the global scene. Italians identify significant opportunities for economic development for the Mediterranean region, strategically characterized, first, by the European stability, the other with great potential for developing countries that border the southeast edge of Mare Nostrum .
in an atmosphere of constructive cooperation and integration, the region, characterized by an important historical and cultural heritage, the beauty of the landscape and a favorable climate, could produce a thrust in the economic, social and cultural sectors against the old Europe.

There are five pillars of the new Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, according to Emanuele: international security, immigration, environment, economic partnerships, education and culture .
With these persupposti the Mediterranean could again become a political and cultural laboratory experiment where an alternative model uncontrolled accumulation of capital and the financing of the economy because you can build the conditions for an economic system that operates at advantage of production and people's basic needs.

In questi termini, camicie verdi permettendo, andrebbe costruito l'approccio con quel mondo, apparentemente tanto lontano, ma a noi sostanzialmente così vicino.

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Q PRESS a Cartoomics a MILANO: sabato 12 presentazione di Un uomo è morto (DAVODEAU) e di Ferrovia Secondaria (DIAMANTE)

Received and Published:

Q Press Publisher - Press release

- Q Press in Milan from 11th to 13th March.
- continued until March 31 the exhibition of two hearts and a hut in Turin.

Editions Press Q to Milan

to Cartoomics

11 From Friday to Sunday, March 13 we are with our stand at Cartoomics , from 9.30 to 20, to FieraMilanoCity.
Meet Giuseppe Peruzzo, Dante Diamond and several other authors employees of Q Press.
Saturday 12 at 10 am in the Agora presentation of the new, award-winning reportage Étienne Davodeau , A man is dead, and Rail Secondary , research at the borders and in the heart of the comic Dante Diamante .

Q Press - Necklace pamphlet

A man died

Étienne Davodeau & Kris

Prix France Info - Prize BD 'cuménique

1950: Reconstruction of Brest, destroyed by war, proceed from strong contrasts. A general strike is blocked by force of arms: the death of a young worker, Edouard Maze. The filmmaker René Vautier returned illegally from Ireland to film the city in mourning. The only copy of the short film, with the only comment from a poem by Eluard, is projected in the most difficult and adventurous, a cab mounted on a pickup truck, becoming itself a part of that fact ...
A film remained only in memory of those who saw and lived, and lives in the reconstruction of his birth and life, in an intense and emotional reportage.
The testimony of a forgotten tragedy, than that generated a great human adventure.
L ¹ irrepressible need to communicate, beyond any censorship and artistic vanity in the new report by Étienne Davodeau, the author ¹ COUNTRY! , de THE BAD PEOPLE and THOSE THAT I LOVE YOU , very current black comedy about the world of football. A man died
was awarded the BD 'cuménique France Info and the Prize for comics d ¹ news and feature articles.
Here are a few tables:

Étienne Davodeau (Anjou, 1965) has published over twenty books, developing your own style in the observation of reality and telling it with both with both fiction and reportage. It belongs to those authors who, book after book, come to push beyond the limits of the Ninth Art, with the constant attention to remain accessible to the wider public.
Davodeau is published exclusively in Italy by Edizioni Press Q: his other books in the catalog are Those who love you and award-winning reportage Rural ! and The bad people. He also
sceneggiato la trasposizione a fumetti dell'unico romanzo scritto da George Brassens.
Kris (Brest, 1972) è autore di diverse sceneggiature, fra le quali Toussaint 66, Le déserteur, Le monde de Lucie, Les ensembles contraires, Notre Mére la guerre , sempre variamente legate al reale.

Collana PAMphlet n. 6

Un uomo è morto
di Kris & Étienne Davodeau
64 pagine in carta patinata opaca
Copertina plastificata opaca
17x24 cm
Brossurato, rilegato a filo refe
11,90 euro
ISBN 978-88-95374-13-0

Q Press - Hic Sunt Leones Necklace

Rail Secondary

Dante Diamante

"Here are the lions," warned the old maps to indicate uncharted territories ...
"Hic Sunt Leones " : at the border and in the heart of the comic. Back
the most original and innovative collection of contemporary Italian comics, with a new set bilingual offset, and with the usual, carefully volumes Press Q: glossy thick durable al'invecchiamento, sewing thread- , cover plastic.

Rail Secondary represents the cutting edge and most of the proposals followed the first series of "Hic Sunt Leones." Born and developed on a brilliantly simple idea: single set of images to represent two stories running parallel. Never search an end in itself, each "area" is growing around with scripts calibrated solid ideas that can naturally fit together to make three different levels.
Synthesis and emotions as well, memorable stories, dall'umoristico the lyrical drama.
Wanda, who prefers to be called Dina. A school field trip, a lot of undisciplined, but the young teacher thinks ad altro, e c'è chi pensa altro... Una storia di violenza sull'infanzia. Spartaco vive solo, in un casolare accanto alla ferrovia, e quando passa il treno... Una domenica in campagna, per lavoro o solitaria, serena come non mai. Un temporale squassante, e un uomo che ha appena perso il lavoro. Una rosa barattata...
Otto "tratti" di Ferrovia Secondaria in un imperdibile, originalissimo volume.

Dante Diamante , oltre a essere il geniale autore di Ferrovia Secondaria e di Partigiano di me stesso , ha creato i personaggi di Albo & Atro , ed è abile sceneggiatore capace di sfruttare al meglio ogni possibilità di this language, while remaining fully be enjoyed even by those who never read comics. With Two hearts and a hut from a true story happened in Turin has created a memorable comic pamphlet on love and personal freedom. Hic Sunt Leones

- Diamond Series offset

Rail Secondary
64 pages in coated paper 150 g/m2 300 g/m2
cover, matt lamination

24x17 cm Paperback, bound to With cotton thread
French translation footer

€ 12.90 ISBN 978-88-95374-14-7
One of the "features" of Rail Secondary had such a degree that it has been realized in the form of digital printing in the necklace Q & Q . # q & q4a

through catalogs for comics of this month may apply for people of cloud

Journals comics copyright

Giuseppe Peruzzo

Calisi Prize for scientific work on comics

If now the comic is no longer considered a subgenre for children or adults underdeveloped, we owe this largely to the work done by the magazines. Since 1965, when Linus was born , has evolved a kind of publication that is unrivaled in publishing and communication, as it combines programmatic study of the works and submission. This book presents itself as a major work and, for its completeness, ultimately, enhanced with several new elements obtained by interviewing editors and directors. All magazines comics page are analyzed both in terms of both content and editorial and below the graph. The bulk of the volume also contains several appendices : from large sections of magazines and manga comic book superhero, to the complete texts of some of the interviews, data on print runs, distribution and readers, the cards of all the journals analyzed over one hundred and forty up to a history that offers a comprehensive, month by month, of the newsstand.
Antonio writes in the preface Faeti : "Peruzzo's book will help to understand the history of comics lovers. But it can be read in many other ways. Archivist attentive and full of every other type of information, the author is never limited to specified dates, to provide riferimenti, a indicare collocazioni. Si schiera sempre, sa porsi costantemente in una dimensione critica e sa valutare. Così questa è anche una storia di uno strumento di comunicazione, raccontata nella sua pienezza di motivi, con le oscillazioni del gusto, le avventure sfortunate, gli esiti incerti, i trionfi, le cadute."
La Giuria Internazionale del XXVII Salone Internazionale dei Comics, del Film di Animazione e dell'Illustrazione ha assegnato all'opera il Premio Vittorina e Romano Calisi per l'impegno scientifico nella ricerca sul fumetto.

Nelle pagine e seguenti presentiamo la prefazione del professor Faeti, alcuni estratti dall'introduzione e dal secondo capitolo, ed esempi dell'impaginazione e delle appendici.

Giuseppe Peruzzo è saggista (oltre a Persone di nuvola
ha pubblicato Saluti da Angoulême . Termometro sul fumetto , e La belva, la carne, l'abbraccio . L'eros nei romanzi di Cesare Pavese ), sceneggiatore ( Atrox , Anser ), giornalista, Esperto science and the arts of printing and translator.

Giuseppe Peruzzo
Directory of cloud - Journals of comics auteur
Foreword by Antonio Faeti
VIII +256 pages on coated paper 115 g/m2, with 171 illustrations in the text
Cover in paper 250 g/m2, 17x24 cm plastic

Paperback, thread-bound

€ 35.90 ISBN 88-901023-0-6

EXHIBITION of original drawings of

Two hearts and a hut

in Turin until 31 March

The original panels Two hearts and a hut are exposed to 31 March in the exhibition hall of the library line 451 to Turin (Via Santa Giulia 40, tel. 011 8136739).

From a true story: in an apartment in the center of Turin without ever leaving a couple lived for years. More than a report, the "hypothesis" about the reasons for their choice ...
fear or contempt towards the outside world, a disease (addressing the topical theme of love of a person reduced to a vegetative state), a choice of gloss, or some type of love, a private matter that should not involve two people?
Who bothers the one you love? Why can not love enough? The extreme love it enough, it's happy or lonely anti-social ill? The reason for a total love, condemned by society.
An apartment like an island ...
An intriguing pamphlet comic book about love and personal freedom. page you can find excerpts and reviews.

A solid project, conceived and written by Dante Diamante , involving several authors in the graphic, each in perfect view of a "hypothesis" by the esteemed and beloved Paul Bacilieri , award-winning author as the best Italian, all'ammaliante versatilità di Giorgio Bellasio , realizzatore grafico di Atrox "Zero" , e di Marco Talia , dalla limpidezza di Matteo Fenoglio al talentuoso segno grottesco di Alex Tirana e agli intensi contributi in realismo soft del brasiliano Rodrigo Arraya , in linea chiara di Mauro Ferrero e in scratchboard di Rocco Lombardi .

Collana PAMphlet
Dante Diamante & Paolo Bacilieri, Giorgio Bellasio, Matteo Fenoglio, Marco Talia, Alex Tirana, Rodrigo Arraya, Mauro Ferrero, Rocco Lombardi

Two hearts and a hut
32-page glossy matte
Cover 150 g/m2 300 g/m2, 17x24 cm plastic mat

Paperback, bound with cotton thread

€ 6.90 ISBN 978-88 - 95374-08-6

Post Destination Wedding Invitation Verses

Online speciale "Il gusto degli altri" per i cultori del fumetto -

Received and Published:

Hello everyone,

online is the special "The Taste of Others" for devotees of the comic.

Link: content/show/ContentId/2601



Christian Encouragement Phrases

Mostra Cabinet de dessins, 12-26 marzo

receive and publish:

Monday, March 7, 2011

Watch Digital Playground Free Online

My best wishes for the March 8 Women

Con il dono di questa mimosa, un fascio di auguri sentiti, validi anche per gli altri giorni dell'anno: 

  1. che le donne, tutte le donne, siano riconosciute nel lavoro che svolgono alla pari dell'uomo;  
  2. che le donne, tutte le donne, abbiano lo spazio che meritano in politica e nella società;  
  3. che lo stupro venga condannato ovunque come uno dei reati più odiosi;  
  4. che il lavoro domestico della donna venga riconosciuto come un servizio sociale primario;  
  5. che le donne, tutte le donne, siano riconosciute in Italia e nel mondo come costruttrici di pace;  
  6. che le donne, tutte le donne, vengano apprezzate anche per quello che sono dentro e non solo per quello che mostrano fuori;  
  7. shame to end the Exploitation of the female body;
  8. all boycott the products advertised through messages alluring to the female sex;
  9. that women, all women is totally emancipino from subordination to a corruption of power;
  10. that women, all women help their men to become or remain free people.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pinnacle Tvcenter Pro 5

The art of sycophancy to the bitter end

It seems that these days many MPs, (people's representatives should be) are distinguished in sycophancy slimy and sticky against the owner of the steam.
They need to be there, to get noticed for being on the list of loyalists for future reference. They are also known as the walking dead responsible that will be remembered for allowing the persistence of shame with the possibility of repetition and vindictive on approval of new and vile indecency.
Con il loro sperticato attivismo alcuni di loro riescono ad infastidire perfino gli addetti ai lavori, coloro, cioè, che impegnano la vita e le preziose giornate a costruire scudi al loro signore.
Ci ha provato l'on. Vitali con la prescrizione brevissima e la concessione delle attenuanti generiche per tutti gli ultrasessantacinquenni e per gli incensurati. 
Avrebbe potuto essere più chiaro: per tutti gli ultrasettantenni che hanno rivestito o rivestono la carica di presidente of the board who were born in Milan and are divorced marital status, any process of every court shall not extend beyond 6 months. The rule also applies to pending litigation.
Unless the retired representative of the people did not have in mind some other thorny case and understand why it is extended.

Then there is the shameful proposal of the sensor. Butti, a member of the Supervisory Committee Rai. According to him, to prevent the occurrence a clear dominance by some media workers than other , Rai should try to open other information spaces assigned other conductors, to be placed on the same days at the same time on the same network and with the same existing resources according to a balanced alternating weekly .

This smut do not want to comment on and reproduce, however, the report of the Serra da Michele Hammock Republic on Saturday.
Nell'asfissiante pressing the government that men inflict on RAI, and the people who work for the RAI and RAI plays and bring money (Gabanelli, Santoro, Floris, Fazio, Dandini and who touches touches), there is a particularly serious and particularly unbearable. None of these censors, regulators, suggeritori ha ombra di titolo professionale per dare lezioni di televisione a persone che la televisione la fanno - e bene -  da una vita. Non ne sanno niente, e se discettano di un prodotto della cui natura e della cui fattura ignorano tutto, è solo in virtù di un mandato politico. Sono, di fatto, pretoriani di partito che fanno irruzione in una fabbrica pretendendo (come fa l'onorevole Butti con la sua ridicola proposta di "alternanza dei conduttori" di insegnare alle maestranze di quella fabbrica come si lavora. E il colmo è che accusano di "politicizzazione" (proprio loro, che senza un mandato politico in RAI non potrebbero mettere piede nemmeno come figuranti), interi pezzi di palinsesto, guarda caso tra i più premiati the plays.
The simple truth is that the product does not care a fig tree, and indeed (see the case of "Vieniviaconme") plays an upsurge of them sad that they were really concerned about the destiny of the RAI, it should make them happy. Beyond the attempt of political control, when you hear them talk about leaving the impression of hating the deserving poor.

PS: how much would be appreciated that many representatives of the people (so to speak) to lift his eyes and something else from the master's ass and look at the real needs of citizens against whom and carouse intend to continue to do so!
Potrebbero esercitare la loro fantasia in proposte utili al Paese e, morti per morti, lascerebbero un messaggio onorevole. 
Ma quando si nasce servi e leccaculi, purtroppo, ... non si può morire eroi!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Poptropica Corruption

News Calamandrei Piero and his speech on the school

Ieri sera, da Fazio, Massimo Gramellini ne ha letto un brano. Vi si sente tutta la passione dell'antifascista che visse gli anni bui della dittatura ma anche tutta la fiducia dell'uomo che credette nella lotta di liberazione e nella capacità di rinascita di un popolo. Questo discorso sulla scuola pubblica e sui rischi del sostegno alla scuola privata a detrimento the school of all has something prophetic. Therefore deserves careful reading and careful reflection.

Piero Calamandrei - speech at the Third Congress in defense of the National School in Rome on February 11, 1950
"When public school is strong and sure thing, then, but only then, the private school is not dangerous. Then, but only then, the private school can be an asset. It can be a good thing that private forces, educational initiatives of classes, religious groups, political groups, philosophies, cultural trends of, cooperate with the state to expand, to stimulate, and renew attempts with a variety of culture. In family law, enshrined in another article of the Constitution, in Article 30, to instruct and educate their children, this opportunity is to be given to families to make their children attend schools of their choice and then allow the establishment of schools that best correspond with certain guarantees that we will now see the political preferences, religious, cultural of that family. But let us make well aware that while the public school is an expression of unity, cohesion, civic equality, the private school is an expression of diversity, which may mean heterogeneity of current decentralized system which the state must prevent currents become disruptive. The private school, in other words, it is not created for this. The school of the Republic, the state school, the school is not a philosophy, a religion, a political party, a sect. So why private schools springing up may be good and not a danger, you must:
- that the state of the surveillance and control and that it is neutral and impartial between them. Does not favor one group of private schools to the detriment of others.
- that private schools correspond to certain minimum level of seriousness of organization.
Only in this way and other more precise, that soon dirò, si può avere il vantaggio della coesistenza della scuola pubblica con la scuola privata. La gara cioè tra le scuole statali e le private. Che si stabilisca una gara tra le scuole pubbliche e le scuole private, in modo che lo Stato da queste scuole private che sorgono, e che eventualmente possono portare idee e realizzazioni che finora nelle scuole pubbliche non c’erano, si senta stimolato a far meglio, a rendere, se mi sia permessa l’espressione, “più ottime” le proprie scuole. Stimolo dunque deve essere la scuola privata allo Stato, non motivo di abdicazione. Ci siano pure scuole di partito o scuole di chiesa. Ma lo Stato le deve sorvegliare, le deve regolare; le deve tenere nei loro limiti e deve riuscire a far better than them. The school in the state, then, must be a guarantee, because you do not slip into what would be the end of the school and perhaps the end of democracy and freedom, that is, the school party. How do you set up in a country with a party school? It can be done in two ways. One is that of totalitarianism open, said. We have experienced, unfortunately. I think everyone here you remember, though many people do you remember most. We tested under fascism. All schools become schools of the State: private school is no longer permitted, but the State becomes a party and then all schools are state schools, but schools are for this party. But there is another form to convert the school to get state party school or sect. Totalitarianism subtle, indirect, torpid, sluggish like some pneumonias that are without fever, but are dangerous.

Let us assume, so theoretically, there is a ruling party, a ruling party, which, however, formally wants to respect the constitution, not want to violate the substance. It does not make the march on Rome and transform the classroom space for the paddles, but wants to establish, without opinion, a disguised dictatorship. So, what to do to gain control of schools and to transform the State schools in schools party? He realizes that the State schools have the defect of being impartial. There is some resistance, in those schools is always there, even under fascism has been there. Then, the dominant party follows another path (it's all a theoretical hypothesis, mind you). He begins to neglect the public schools, to discredit, to impoverish. Let it anemizzino and begins to favor private schools. Not all private schools. The schools of his party, that party. And then all these treatments are beginning to go to private schools. Cure of money and privileges. He even begins to advise the boys to go to these schools, because basically it says are better than those of the state. And maybe give themselves awards, as now I will tell you, or proposes to give awards to citizens who are willing to send their children to public schools rather than private schools. A "those" private schools. The exams are easier, unless you study and you do best. So the private school becomes a privileged school. The ruling party, could not transform the State schools openly in Party schools, send the dogs to schools to give priority to the state's private schools. Beware, my friends, this conference this is the point that we must discuss. Warning, this is the recipe. We must keep an eye on the cooks of this low kitchen. The operation is done in three ways: there l’ho già detto:
- rovinare le scuole di Stato. Lasciare che vadano in malora. Impoverire i loro bilanci. Ignorare i loro bisogni.
- attenuare la sorveglianza e il controllo sulle scuole private. Non controllarne la serietà. Lasciare che vi insegnino insegnanti che non hanno i titoli minimi per insegnare. Lasciare che gli esami siano burlette.
- dare alle scuole private denaro pubblico. Questo è il punto. Dare alle scuole private denaro pubblico!
Quest’ultimo è il metodo più pericoloso. La fase più pericolosa di tutta l’operazione [...]. This then is the point, is the most dangerous method. Money for all citizens, all taxpayers of all believers in different religions, all belonging to different parties, which instead is intended to contribute to the schools of one religion, one sect, of one party [ ...].

words Piero Calamandrei return current

Piero Calamandrei Discourse on the Constitution - 1955

Piero Calamandrei Biography