Al via Cartoomics e Ludica a fieramilanocity. Tre giorni di divertimento fino a domenica 13 marzo Received and Published:
CARTOOMICS 2011 2011
11-12-13 March 2011
Fieramilanocity - Hall 4 Porta Colleoni
Admission: € 12.00, reduced € 8.00 - Hours: 9:30 to 19:30
Information: 02/66301754 -
Cartoomics comes of age!
starts tomorrow the 18th edition of the Salone del Cartoon Cartoons, Collections and Videogames Games and
Now in its eighteenth edition, impostasi as one of the most awaited and important calendar of Italian comics, Cartoomics , the Exhibition of Comics, Cartoons, Collections and Videogames Games and Milan celebrated with a very special edition housed in a pavilion still bigger!
The theme for 2011 is the fashion and its relationship to the world of comics, with a major exhibition entitled MilanoVesteFumetto (by Fondazione Franco Fossati) and Les Dessous de la Femme , a tribute to "erotic" to lingerie designed by the great masters of the erotic. Rich the calendar of events with the big names in comics, presentations of new publications, meetings, award ceremonies and panel discussions.
After the extraordinary success of last year, returning even more numerous Cosplay with their colorful parades and clubs dedicated to the most famous legends of science fiction, from Star Wars to Star Trek.
Ludica Back at the fair, the "games room
" Italy's largest
is also this year the appointment with the event in Milan dedicated to board games and video games.
As for video games, confirm their presence this year two major national player in the industry, and Italy ProGaming Generation Web highlight of the proposed ProGaming Italy will be the ' ESL Arena, area tournaments with tens seats that will offer challenges to all the geeks on PC and all consoles Popular (PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii) . Also within the area of \u200b\u200bthe stand ProGaming presence of Nintendo Italy - with the highly anticipated Nintendo 3DS , the new con-sole that does not need 3D glasses - and Warner Bros. Entertainment Italy, with a tournament on ' Preview Mortal Kombat 2011.
Generation Web will host the third leg of Games Party Tour 2011, will set up a picnic area with more than 80 stations playing able to satisfy even the most demanding player . Ben 12 tournaments scheduled, including the official tournament in the 2011 EA SPORTS Football Challenge 1vs1 mode. You can also try out the latest Disney video games (Epic Mickey and Tron: Evolution) and Electonic Arts (Dead Space 2, and Crysis Bullet Storm 2). In VGP space will also Hasbro, Magic The Gathering (both in the classical version of the game di carte sia in quella nuovissima per console e PC), Nerf e la novità Cuponk.
Nello spazio di Ludica riservato ai giochi da tavolo , invece, confermata per la per la quarta volta la presenza di Area Autoproduzione e del suo storico coordinatore, Angelo Porazzi: qui tutti i fan dei boardgame potranno divertirsi con i giochi creati, illustrati e prodotti dagli autori stessi. Altre presenze da segnalare sono quelle de La Città del Gioco , che presenta fra l’altro Dixit, “miglior gioco dell’anno” in Germania nel 2010, e i nuovissimi LEGO Games , e de La Tana dei Goblin , a real "den" of boardgame enthusiasts, and through its portal, a meeting point of the wider Italian community of "players from the table."
Finally in 2011 will make its debut Ludica Giocabar , an area that resurface the chance to play with good old games "Bar Centrale" a time, from football to table tennis, darts from the pool .
not get to Cartoomics Ludica and unprepared ...
Here are all the news and useful information that can be found on sites and
● Come entrare in fiera risparmiando 4 euro
● Come arrivare a fieramilanocity
● La planimetria del Padiglione 4 per orientarvi tra i vari stand e gli spazi espositivi una volta all’interno della fiera e l’elenco completo degli espositori
● Tutti gli autori che sarà possibile incontrare in fiera
● Il programma dell’Agorà , la “grande piazza” Cartoomics dedica a presentazioni,
tavole rotonde e incontri tra il pubblico e il mondo degli autori e degli editori.
● Tutte le novità editoriali e le news dagli espositori
● Tutte le news sugli eventi di Cartoomics messe online dalla redazione
Vi aspettiamo numerosi a Cartoomics e Ludica 2011 a partire da venerdì 11 marzo, fino a domenica 13!