Monday, January 31, 2011

Lingerie Series Subtitle

An objective analysis

For the series, the great admiral interviews, housed in galley (a vile and filthy place, full of insects, crabs, mice, and brawny sailors who do not wash for months and eat eslusivamente almost dried meat and beans, resulting in a natural environment deodorant, for more wood, so highly absorbent properties) lighthouse three women of our time, three intellectuals who know a lot about all the whys and wherefores of our society, and on the moral degradation that is pushing the human race into the abyss the abyss of a cliff.
we are honored to know their enlightening thought: Michela Murgia, Lella Costa, Ritanna Armenians.

- Lord, from your observation about the company, made up of stacks of books, a focus on literature, art, and innate genius that belongs to you, how do you evaluate the scandal that is rocking Italian politics these days, the so-called Rubygate?

- (Murgia): premise that these arguments do not deserve our attention plebeians they do not contribute to the enhanced our already difficult to improve the status of exalted minds, we believe that the Rubygate is the emergence of the moral decline of the morals of man male. Highlighting the degradation to which the Italian male, but also European and world (if there is, even alien) oramai ci ha abituato da anni, anzi, praticamente da sempre, da quando ha messo piede sulla Terra, da quando Dio lo ha creato. Che poi, come è noto, Dio in realtà era donna, la grande Madre panteistica che presiede la Natura e il cosmo; la Signora, la Divinità adorata dalle popolazioni arcaiche, che poi la tradizione cristiano-giudaico-massonica ha volgarmente svilito mortificando la donna ed esaltando l'uomo.

- Capisco, ecco, ma come giudicate allora il ruolo delle donne in questa vicenda, intendo decine e decine di ventenni, o poco più che ventenni, che popolavano in modo libertino, e dietro compenso, le serate di uomini di potere attempati?

- (Costa): It 'obvious that the male is an inferior being, loathsome, despicable, puruluento. Only a trembling creature, not even remotely worthy of belonging to the genre known as "animal" could give birth to such a plan, surrounded by poor girls for their filthy, ugly and detestable sexual fun. What then is nothing but a coward as childish display of power.

- OK, but I wanted to say .... these girls, adults (mostly, anyway), capable of discernment, have received fine transfers, checks, jewelry, etc. to spend evenings in the villa, in the midst of luxury and men who represent potential future opportunities in their eyes employment and prosperity. Morally, as these women are to be considered?

- (Armenian): It 'clear that the male is similar to the dung, but even with that, if we think about it. The dung is fertile, fertilize organic life, is food, and enables the growth of other plants. The man is death, destruction, cancellation. The male is a source of embarrassment, shame, humiliation and mortification for the same shit. And what happened in the luxurious palaces of power these days is an incontrovertible example.

- Yes, but I am not clear, taken for granted that men have ancestral guilt and inescapable as is your opinion on puttanaio of ladies that revolved around the fetid men in question.

- (Murgia): 's clever, vile, and sordid, for plotting what they have hatched. Of pederasts, sodomites, perverts maniacs, incurably vicious. We have to rinse your mouth after this interview, because no argument, even as low as conceived by Dante for his Hell, then, can compete with the poverty and sadness of the actions of men, boys.

- .... Christ of God, but these bitches that gave the right and left have even a fucking role in this whole affair? Women like you what you think of this illicit trade, or men bastards it sucks all the radiators in the home of Premier?

- (Costa): Man is capable of every wickedness, can you put your most absurd, illogical, incomprehensible to people with common sense. We would expect everything. If only the world was ruled by the women there would be no more wars, hunger, deprivation, oppression, pain, grief.

- Come on now! But you can not hear 'this shit, this is really absurd! But you're racing three hags! But it is the stuff of nails!

- (Armenian): you understand what you want with that thing hanging flabby and you find yourself? For what do not get it, you're limited, there is also to be pitied, not is all your fault, your blood is all there rest of us are perfectly sprayed everywhere in the body instead. At least you go to sea and stay on the ship all day, the damage they can do to humanity are minimal content. Now shoo, you've contaminated well too. .... But have the decency to read these pearls of wisdom for women only at least, right?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hdmi Receiver Adapter

F Day

sum up: we can say that the boss went to minors? Not with scientific certainty. What has he done with the zoom zoom Escort? Not with certainty anatomo-biological-seminal. Which has bribed, paid, lied? Depends, if the preceding statements are true for data, and then I turn into axioms and postulates, then it follows that the answer is yes, if it is right Ghedini Ghedini, then the answer is no.
So what do we know for sure? That the chief's house was a bustle of pussy? Yes, this is a fact, confirmed by his pure, 45 parties in 150 days, to relax, an average of one every three days. That the dumplings tend to be very young because the "fresh meat" (registered trademark Mortal Coil) is more popular? Yes, confirmed. That the Forum have been paid handsomely, all (even if it is not clear that title)? Yes, this is well. That in addition to money benefited from vacation, jewelry, and some was just maintained at all? Else. That the minors are still going, were, he resides in the chief's house? It appears from the phone records. That interception in many of these girlz are expressed as if it were necessary to the CIS-travel information to adjust traffic access to their patonza? Yes, then their statements are truthful and to prove, but they say it is recorded on tape. That a minor Moroccan, accused of theft and without identity papers has been issued by Italian police following a call from the boss? Yes, it happened, or Mubarak Mubarak.

said everything, how I configure the event of 13 February which is organizing the PDL? Formally, it will be a take to the streets in support of the head, against all the slanderous accusations brought by the Vietnamese communists pm. I understand, will be a pussy Day! That is, the friends of the head forward and submitted that:
1) at home one does what the fuck he pleases;
2) were the pussies and they are also quite polite;
3) young people are always better than old;
4) if there is to spend two euro you spend, there is not stingy with the bums.
All the rest, so all that rhymes with a criminal offense, are communist bullshit.

A celebration of freedom in other words, in keeping with the ideals of the party, and rightly so. On this basis there is a broad consensus and interest of the Italians, always receptive to social issues of such depth and complexity. Already taken for granted, the participation of VIPs size, keen to link its name to the great humanitarian initiatives of solidarity, including Barbara D'Urso, Belen Rodriguez, Magda Gomes, Ayda Yespica, Melita Toniolo, Francesca Cipriani and many others. Very best of Gay Pride and the Carnival of Viareggio, Figa Day event is presented as a cheerful, colorful, happy, carefree, contro i bacchettoni musoni moralisti professorini comunisti. Evviva la Figa è slogan elementare, lo capisce chiunque, e non aderire sarebbe come privarsi del pane, levarsi il cibo dai denti. Mi spingerei a dire addirittura che non andarci manifesta di per sé un'evidente problema di corretta sessualità, e infatti all'indomani della manifestazione, la nuova linea politica del PDL prevede di dare del ghey a Casini, Rutelli, Fini, Bersani, Di Pietro e Vendola (vabbè, questa era facile).
Mica il Family Day, dove ti tocca portare pure la moglie, la suocera, i marmocchi, e fare il padre di famiglia coi valori; qui vai libero, ci sono brasiliane, marocchine, col tanga, il perizoma, roba che neanche Rio De Janeiro. On 13 February will be a big crowded of love and freedom. Guaranteed a free parking place for those coming from outside, a hole is free.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Design Your Tech Deck On Computer

Darth Minetti

Nicole Minetti has 25 years, and it seems the only one who could stand up to a Santanché furious with dilated pupils, castor oil that drips from the mouth, the middle finger nails permanently hoisted and ready for insertion, and testes of steel studs that hang down to her knees. The
Minetti said. My favorite literary character of the whole affair of Bunga Bunga. It is now a real fascination with mine, are almost in love. Bella is Beautiful but then the issue is really wicked and vicious that obviously appeals to me, the split personality wrapped in lights and shadows, saving angel and devil tempting, as I wrote a few posts ago.

interceptions hano now revealed the heart of the charming leonine Lombardy Regional Councillor, while the Stalinist Maoist Communist Vietnamese prosecutors have convened at the castle of Kafka on 1 February.
"I mean, I - Minetti says in a phone call - for the first time I realized that he (Berlusconi) did not give me that role because he thought I was fit and suitable, he gave me that role because that time is the first thing that is venuta in mente. Se non ci fossi stata io, ma ci fosse stata un'altra, l'avrebbe dato a un'altra ". Al telefono con l'amica Clotilde dice: " L'uomo sta invecchiando ma a me non frega niente. Si sta comportando da pezzo di merda. Mi ha tirato nei festini... io sono una brava persona, al massimo faccio contravvenzioni, ma non arrivavo a commettere reati [...] c 'è un limite a tutto, non me ne frega un cazzo se lui è il presidente del consiglio e cioè .... Un vecchio e basta... si sta comportando da pezzo di merda [...] perché uno che fa così è un pezzo di merda. Perché lui mi ha tirato nei casini in una maniera che solo dio lo sa.... In cui non ci sarei finita neanche se mettevo tutto commitment. I have saved my ass and can not afford to do so. I have no more teasing as .

The other night at 'Unfaithful what has happened has happened, the beatification live with Nicole. Two degrees, two languages, two breasts, too, that will not tell you, praise in bunches! For another of berlusconettes but she had ruled: "When you cagherà for Ruby called him and will remember us ... Now he pretends not to receive calls [...] you've never heard of his mouth: 'Oh, stop for a moment, see that she's a good girl?' He just to save his ass flaccid does not care about anything . "E also: "Make 'em take fear." In a text message wrote: "That shred of dignity left for me [...] I do want to keep the resignation, that 'this stuff is stuff that will ruin your life, you ruin the relationship, you worn out. You must a hair on my stomach. To me that does not give a damn. I want to get married, getting engaged, have children, a house .

And like all good Hollywood movies, the bad lieutenant, eventually redeems himself, we find that the bottom has a heart, even though he tried not to listen to him, he too has feelings that emerge without bullies may contain. The good always triumphs. And agreed to cooperate with the police to drop the terrible super Head of unscrupulous and ruthless. Now, I do not know if Minetti will like Johnny Depp in Donnie Brasco , like Martin Sheen in Wall Street or as Darth Vader, but then why should contend with Santanché in a catfight of biblical proportions-Quentin Tarantino, however, are the Mazzola very well on all fronts. In his house, sign the petition to throw out elected as Pirellone-list cobbled together at the last moment with forged signatures, the end user who asked some good fresh meat will not take these new intercepts in which her ass is judged old and flaccid, in Saigon the judges are waiting with rifles, to the left could also succeed in the double pike of rehabilitation after her infamous for days, as the case of perfect Trojan horse ...
But now I've decided that I take the defenses of Minetti, whatever. Minetti's enemies are my enemies. I'm going to prepare sandbags to reject the crawler Santanchè Wehrmacht, I have to equip. The final assault on Zion, or Sauron's army will be nothing in comparison.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Pokemon Chaining Shiny Rates Chart

a meeting agenda: the next appointments MCZ

Inizia la programmazione 2011. Ecco alcuni appuntamenti dei prossimi mesi

January 22 hours 17.00/19.00
educational workshop by Anna Maria Taroni
An afternoon with Mom and Dad: narratives and studio art
" The tree and the witch "

January 27 to 28
DANIELE VERONESI working in laboratories to complete the works of the workshop

January 27 to 31
Carlo Zauli stand at this gallery Repetto

February 3 18.30
Final event of the charity project of Lioness Club Faenza

12 February at 17.00/19.00
educational workshop by Anna Maria Taroni
A afternoon with Mom and Dad: narratives and studio art

February 28 hours 9.30/12.00
educational workshop class with Bologna

11 -13 March
MCZ guest NEW:
Andrea Damiani, Marco Gobbi, Enrico Lichens, Marco Tofi
Curated of MCZ at Palazzo delle Esposizioni

19 hour mark 17.00/19.00
educational workshop by Anna Maria Taroni

April 1 14.00 / 16.00
educational workshop with the German school
by Anna Maria Taroni

May 20 to 22

May 23 to 25 hours to be determined
Workshops with American school
by Anna Maria Taroni

June 27-July 1
MCZ hosting How to Move Zolle
Laboratory of body expression by Iris Society

29 Weeks Pregnant With Lots Of Preasher

Appointment final Lioness club

Thursday, February 3 from 18.30 to 21.00

The Lioness Club Faenza, Cristina Bagnara and Carlo Zauli Museum are pleased to invite you to a drink Thursday, February 3, in 'final appointment of the project of solidarity PORTRAITS AT THE MUSEUM 60 Zauli, Institute for Higher Persolino Strocchi.

recalling almost lost the habit to turn to professionals for a portrait, the Club, to offer this opportunity to their supporters, invited the young photographer Cristina Bagnara, that 15 to 18 December 2010 has transformed the laboratory reliefs of the museum in a real photo shoot.

Thursday, February 3, from 18.30 to 21.00, all those who contributed to making fund-raising photograph withdraw their portrait, and all together, drinking a cocktail, watch the delivery of the money collected at the Institute Superior Persolino Strocchi, for the construction of the project The dog on the hill.

dove_Museo Carlo Croce Zauli_Via 6_ Faenza
orari_18.30 February 3, 2011 - 21:00
for informazioni_335 _339 5319040 1544010

approndimenti on the project for Dog on the Hill see Annex
to know cristina

Master Lock 175 Combination Recovery

Prize Arte Laguna: work in progress at the MCZ

This year the exhibition of the finalists promises to be a must for art enthusiasts, professionals, curious, and anyone who wants to be surrounded by creativity.

Here are the key stages of this year's International Art Prize Arte Laguna:

> July 1, 2010: Open Registration for the competition

> December 20, 2010: Closing date for entries to the competition - more than 95 participating countries

> January 2011: Selections in the course of the 110 finalists by the jury

> February 2011: preparation of the exhibition at ' Arsenal of Venice and Under25 section at Palazzo Correr in Venice

> March 12, 2011: Inauguration of exhibition and announcement of five winners, 37 winners of the solo in Italian and foreign galleries, 4 Artist in Residence - between one at the Museum Zauli, 1 Business Award for Art and other prestigious collaborations.

The many entries coming from all over the world are evidence of how the Prize Arte Laguna has gained importance and success in the international art scene.

We wait, March 12, 2011 at 18:00, the webs of the Arsenal of Venice!

Secretariat Tel +39 041 593724

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Best Upconverting Dvd Under 100


After a 2009-10 season, supported by the Banca di Romagna, which has seen more than 700 appearances in workshops for children and adults, are shared educational activities of the Museo Carlo Zauli by Anna Maria Taroni.

The 2010-11 season is made possible by the valuable collaboration with Fondazione Banca del Monte and Cassa di Risparmio di Faenza.

the meetings at schools and in the museum with the kids and teachers for some time also alongside the workshops on Saturday are open to parents and children, free users.

In MCZ events calendar on our website, we will publish all the dates.